Is it worth it to wait for new models?

So at the moment I have a HTC One XL with a badly shattered screen and considering getting a new phone because i cannot justify the price needed to pay for a screen replacement.
The phones I'm looking at are the IPhone 5s and the Note 3 however, the iPhone 6 and Note 4 are due to be released in a few months.

So should I wait for the updates and which one should I buy?


  • I would definitely wait for the newer ones. In terms of which one that's completely a personal choice.

  • I'd wait. It's only about 3 months on both the phones you're considering and you've held out this long with the XL.

  • Just go and buy one. It is just a guess that the new phones will be available at bthe date you say.

    Massive diff between your two choices - basically do you want to go smaller or larger than what you have now?

    • It is just a guess that the new phones will be available at bthe date you say.

      Considering both the 5S and Note 3 (and their predecessors before them) were announced and released around September, I'd call it an educated guess at the very least.

    • To be honest i prefer the size of the 5s because its a lot easier to use one handed but i know the Note is a lot better suited to watching movies, youtube etc

      • There are phones in between the note and the iphone….?

        • only really interested in those 2 :/

        • -1

          They are on the opposite ends of the spectrum!

      • What about one in between?

        HTC One M8? or don't you like HTC any more and you want to change?

        • yeah i reckon its time for a change :p

  • +1

    Wait for the updated models, then wait for the superceded model's price to drop.

  • +1

    Wait for a post on OzB, then buy it now. You'll likely find there is no noticeable difference between the new and old models because all phone have such similar specs now. Unless there's a specific feature on the new models you think that it's worth paying a couple hundred more for.
    Example, my friend waited 3 months to get the s5 over the s4. When they finally got it, the first remark was that i felt the same as the S4, only with a better camera.

  • Wait for the Note 4.

    • Is a fingerprint scanner, a better camera and a slightly increase in processing power worth the extra $400?

      disclaimer : I don't know what's going to be new in the Note4

  • If you really dont care about the new models what they will have, and happy with the current models. buy it now with a credit card that you can clim the price differences when the price dropped after the new models released.

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