I bought the t100 on their ebay site for $450 and returned it yesterday. I noticed the receipt had $532 (the original price without coupon code) and I checked that I made a profit in returning this.
I don't know how to feel about this, honourbale ned stark wouldn't do it. I am crying and considering shooting up speedball to free myself of this guilt. Help me OZB, you're my only hope.
Returned ASUS T100 to TGG for more than what I bought it for

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If it was JB HiFi (refer to the Sony eReader debacle - just the latest in a long history of misdeeds) no worries, they deserve it, but The Good Guys, well, they're, um, good.
You'll need the extra funds…winter is coming…
…and it may last years.
dont be too sad.. i believe some others are start to try mirror what you did, multiple times
In Feb last year I bought 5 return airline tickets (paying online in US$) to NZ for June. Due to family illness I had to cancel the tickets and received a refund. Due to currency fluctuations I ended up making $130 profit. bit of a win:lose situation.
Congratulations: this is a lot less morally dubious than the above scenario and less likely to be considered or prosecuted as OFAD.
Pity it wasn't shifty Dick is all i will say.
(GG have been good for me)
Guilt??? Dude, you're my new hero! :)