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FREE iPad Mini if You Enrol in a iPad Training Course ($105) 4hrs/Week for 16 Weeks - MELBOURNE


If you live near Melbourne's Northern Suburbs

and you want to get your hands on a new iPad Mini for $105,

then attend this course for 4 hours each week for 16 weeks! simple! Next intake is June 3 !

(well there are a few conditions, but mainly aimed at early school leavers or mature aged people).

pensioners pay $21, others that have not done a course higher than Cert III pay $105.


*First Deal I have posted, be nice!

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Can you just pick up the ipad and leave

    • +10

      TightBottom, is TightArse your brother or relatives?

      • +4

        Just a bum chum

  • How dare you TightBottom, this is NOT spam!

    • -1

      To be fair to Jimmy my pre edited entry questioned whether this was spam.

  • +3

    probably the old iPad mini.

    • It's priced at $349.00 according to the flier, so you can make your assumptions based on that.

  • +2

    Might want to put Melbourne in the title, to avoid disappointing people in other cities/towns!

  • What is an eligible person? Non-eligible persons pay $1995.00. Conversely concession card holders only pay $21.00

    • I guess you must be Australian resident (citizen, PR or kiwi), not having cert iv or higher.

  • +1

    Not available if you've completed a qualification higher than a Cert III

    Do you think UoM will take back my Bachelor's degree if I ask?

    • What if you are currently in uni? There has got to be some sort of catch…

      • I started a cert 4 under a similar scheme while in the last semester of my bachelors, if you in progress of a higher course it's fine, you just can't have finished one.

    • +1

      How do they know what qualifications I have and how do they check?

  • hmmmm… that's were all our education dollars are going to…

    • +13

      Would have been better spent teaching you how to spell ;)

      • Yeah kelvin - perhaps you should get yourself another degree!

        (From Jeremy)

  • +7

    It is 4 hours per week for 16 weeks, so 64 hours all up.

    • +1

      Yes, and the ipad will probably be issued on the 16th week.

  • +1

    The course is also listed here for the same $105 fee here with an ipad mini 2 (retina) - http://www.computrain.edu.au/search/node/ipad
    and also also here (may be an older course) - http://www.computrain.edu.au/news/ipad-mini

    To qualify you must get government subsidising which I believe the government will only provide it once per person. I used mine up on a travel course some years ago.

    Honestly don't think its worth the hassle for an ipad mini, you'll than likley need to attend do all the basic course criteria for weeks on end to keep it.

    • You underestimate how tight people are with their money, but not their time.

  • +3

    Very fishy.

  • It's available in many different locations in Melb - http://www.computrain.edu.au/courses/on-site

  • +8

    Its all about scamming government funding.
    basically you get the ipad and the "trainers" deliver the course but all they want is bums on seats to get the funding.

    • But everyone wins! I sat in a class for a week, got my cert III in driving ops and they paid for me to do my MR truck license. thats like $600 for answering a few questions. not going to complain~ and I was only in there for about 3 hours a day at max.

      • +7

        Not everyone wins - someone has to pay the taxes to fund that. Or pay $7 per doctor's visit, or make do without Newstart or without pension increase. There's only one pot of money for everything and giving iPads away does not seem like the most sensible way to spend it.

        • My theory is that ill be paying an insane amount of tax one day so until that day comes I will make the most of it.

          But at the same time I don't think the government should be funding a course on how to use a darn iPad.

          Solid quality to have when applying for a job.
          Said noone ever.

        • If he was on Newstart or some other Centerlink benefit before hand and after completing the gov funded course gained employment, than yes everyone did win.

          The gov now has to pay one less person on new start and the person getting the cert now has a job and also contributing more via taxes. As I'm sure was the original intention of the gov assistance.

          This Ipad course on the other hand is most likely just trying to exploit the gov assistance seeing that the trainer gets an incentive to train people as well (which I assume is worth more than the ipad they're giving you.)

    • +3

      Too often programs designed with good intentions but poorly designed leads to organizations popping up that take advantage of it. Think pink batts scheme by k Rudd, save energy is a good idea, except it pays so much uninteded consequences occur.

      I bet the govt never thought this program could just give away iPads.

  • I though these sort of deals had been cracked down on.

    As other har said, these RTO's are just looking to get as many people through courses as each person could be worth at least $2500 to them.

    Do yourself a favour and do a qualification related to the field you want to work, because once you've done this is will limit your options if you want to study later on.

    • Just to highlight your point 'limiting your options if you want to study later on' means that by taking this course, you are now ineligible for gov assistance on other courses that have 'you must not have completed a cert before' in the terms and conditions. (Actually I'm not 100% sure if this is right but I'm pretty sure).

  • +5

    Sorry, but courses on working an iPad should not be government funded.

    Ummm, can someone create a course on operating my TV remote, so I can get a new big screen telly. Oh wait…..

  • -2

    Title is very misleading as most people are not eligible.

  • +1

    wow $21 for a ipad mini 2, thats almost worth forcing my dad to go!

  • Eh this seems very fishy to me.

    The eligibility part that requires you to not have completed a cert 3 before implies to me that it's using a gov trainee-ship scheme to fund it. Which each person should be only eligible for once (Although I have heard of people simply lying on forms to do it multiple times).

    If this is true then by taking this course you will make yourself ineligible in future to take other cert 3 courses and be gov funded/assisted. Ie. ones that actually teach you skills and gain you employment at the other end.

    There are many dodgy recruitment companies that simply want bums in seats to put you through the course (eg. Office trainee-ships) in order to get the government bonus and then have no intention of giving you a job at the other end and kick you out in order to get fresh bums in seats. The original intent of the gov bonus is as an incentive for workplaces to hire someone with no experience and give them training as opposed to hiring someone who already has experience (and get them off the dole probably).

    This just seems like a dodgier version of that to me, except with a promise of an ipad instead of a job. Of course if you don't care about this and already have employment/experience then it making yourself ineligible for future cert course funding isn't applicable to you, but it still is dodgy either way in my opinion.

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