I assume they do. Should it bother me if they do?
Should it make a difference if the food has been refridgerated since being made, rather than on display the day before? It seems my salad tastes fresher on Monday than Wednesday.
Do cafes sell leftovers? Salads etc?

grasstown on 24/05/2014 - 10:59
I think you should say if customers knew all the shits that happen in a commercial kitchen. I've heard horror stories of replating food dropped on floor, using expired ingredients, cut fingers when preparing food …
My wife worked at a cafe that trimmed the mould off their quiche each morning before putting it out on display.
Kind of like all those Korean sushi places that have invaded the Brisbane cbd. The salmon in half of those places looks two days old and way too suspect to eat.
What was/is the name of the place?
I think Brisbane city council has fined a handful of restaurants caught in the act:
If most customers knew half the shit that goes on in commercial kitchens they probably wouldn't eat out at all! ;)