Better than 28degrees Mastercard ??

I was wondering if there any other available credit better than the 28 Degrees Mastercard( ?

I am looking a card for the following purpose:

  • Cashing out on ATM overseas has/no low fees .
  • Like 28 Degrees there is no exchange rate fee when paying in other currencies.
  • Low interest rate is no importance
  • No annual fee

Nothing is was wrong with 28 Degrees until they added the cash advance fee as from Jan 2014(

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • Also interested to see this, i had a bit of minor issues with mine so i cancelled it.

  • +3

    Only one - Citibank Plus transaction account/Visa DEBIT.

  • +1

    Nothing I'm aware of, I use a combination of Citibank Plus (for ATM withdrawls) and 28Degree (for purchases).

    • Yeah I've seen this question posted a few times here and the general consensus is that using both in combination is the way to go.

  • -3

    Who the hell uses cash advances? Especially on a site about saving money.

    • lol. you must be new here.

      we use it to withdraw our own money at overseas atms.

  • Why the combination, if i may ask?

    What am i missing out on? seems the citibank is fee-less for international purchases too, wouldn't you scrap the 28 degrees card altogether?


    • +1

      using 28 degrees cc, you can maximise the up to 55-days interest free for your overseas purchases and also take advantages of the shoppers protection for free.

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