Returning faulty radio

Hi Ozbargainers, Does anyone know what to do when you have bought a faulty item but have lost the receipt?
I tried to return a $50 Sunnylife brand radio to the shop we bought it from but they won't take it back. I didn't even want a refund I just wanted to exchange for a new one. The radio stopped working only about a week after we started using it! The sales assistant said they wouldn't take it back unless we find the receipt or some proof of purchase but I think it was paid for with cash.
Any ideas?


  • Fix it

  • If you paid with CC then you can use your statement as proof, but if you paid cash as you suggested I don't know what else you could use.
    You should be able to go through the manufacturer though, I'd try them.

  • As mentioned above, manufacturer warranty. Depending on the manufacturers policies, it might cost you a significant proportion of the original cost in trying to get it repaired. Theres also the time factor.

  • +3

    Since the shop staff are clearly being pricks, kick it up a notch & buy another one from there, then return your shit one promptly for a refund…problem solved. ;)

    Awaits whiny pontifications from onlookers about morality… :P

    • Is it the shops' fault that the receipt was lost?

      How dare a shop want confirmation that it was bought and not stolen?

      • I guess it would not be hard to do a quick stockcount (due to the fact these are probably a low stock item) take two or three minutes.

        That said always keep receipts !

      • -2

        Is it the shops' fault that the receipt was lost?

        How dare a shop want confirmation that it was bought and not stolen?

        Hmm, interesting reversal of attitude from the same guy who was only recently on OzB fishing for vindication of his hare-brained (and that's being bloody generous) scheme to defraud the Commonwealth Bank out of interest on a $50 million dollar cheque fraud…short memories eh?

        • -1


          Get over it mate,

          My scenario was a hypothetical, re read it.

          I see with, your comment/post ratio, you have an opinion on everything. Keep it up

        • -2

          My scenario was a hypothetical

          The word you're really searching for in this context is 'hypocritical'.

          I see with, your comment/post ratio, you have an opinion on everything. Keep it up

          Will do, cheers! :)

  • +1

    Even if you go through manufacturer warranty, I think they will still ask you for proof of purchase.

  • +1

    I am going to try to go through the manufacturer or maybe I'll try to fix it. I do like your idea though StewBalls. The radio was actually a gift from a family member and they're not very fastidious about things like keeping receipts.

    • Best of luck with it mate, hope you get a win! :)

    • You better check their return policy. lol.

      Would be funny if you buy one, but they won't let you return the broken one as they record serial numbers and stuff.

      It isn't the store's fault that you didn't get a receipt. Under Law they aren't required to provide you service as you have no proof that you bought it from there.

      For all they know you could have bought it 2 yrs ago, but now its broken, so you are trying to claim warranty on it. Without a receipt, they cannot be sure when you purchased it, and if it is eligible for warranty.

      You can attempt to ask who ever gave it to you, to recall which day and approx time they purchased it. Then ask the shop to look up the receipt on their system. But without knowing what shop it is hard to say if they have those sorta facilities.

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