This was posted 10 years 9 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

10x Apple Lightning (iPhone 5, iPad Mini etc) USB Sync Data Charging Cable $8.95 Posted


I purchased these and can confirm no message with iOS 7.1.1 (tested on my iPhone5)
After searching for some cheap cables, I came across this 10 pack delivered from Sydney.

Personally, i try to stay away from the white cables that try to look like the Apple cable as the good and bad ones get mixed up at my place.

The deal gets you one of each colour. My cables measured 96cm in length. Mine arrived in 4 days.

30 day money back, seller pays return postage

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Can't see the length of the cable anywhere…

    • +1

      Good point. I have noticed other sellers are saying these are 1m long.
      However, I just got out the tape measure and measured 96cm (just over 3ft)

  • So what's the go with the whole new cable issues? I use to have an iPhone 4 ( and never had an issues ) but recently got a iPhone 5c and my mate was telling me to be careful of aftermarket cables. Apparently he bought a cable and phone charger and after a few weeks, when he plugged it in, the phone would say that this cable isn't authorized and just not charge. He had to change the actual charger ( he had those chargers that connect to the lighting for cigarettes ) and kept the same cable and although it still comes up with that message it charges fine. I'm new to this whole fiasco, so would be greatly appreciated if someone just quickly explained what the issues are? I only need some cables for around the house and car as I have about 4-5 actual iPhone 4 chargers.

    • I would be concerned with the cheap Chinese wall chargers. I generally try to buy name brand (Belkin, Kensington etc.) if I don't buy Apple. Apple had a trade in on wall chargers after some issues. Expired now (

      For cables, generally they are less of an issue.

      Main problems…..
      Poor quality, does not work or ends fall off.
      Works but with warning message.
      Works without warning message, but no guarantee the warning message won't come back with new iOS.

      But at $9 for 10 cables, with a 30 day guarantee, it is a cheap option to have some extra cables.

      • Thanks heaps for the quick response! Yeh I got no issues in terms of wall chargers as all the ones I have are actual apple wall chargers from past iPhones ( had issues with my iPhone so when I swapped it over id keep the cable and receive a new one). I was in need of iPhone 5 cables though, so I've bought this 10 pack.

        Again thanks heaps for the quick response :D

      • +1

        Be wary of Belkin, at a guess I would say that they are the most faked aftermarket accessory going. If you want to buy belkin buy from a reputable store like Officeworks or dick smiths and avoid eBay like the plague.

        • Good point. Never trust a name brand from the ebay/internet. Griffin is also another name brand that is likely to be fake. If the price seems to good to be true….

    • -2

      This is one reason I refuse to use iphone etc.. Apple is ripping you guys off. The ebay seller is making a small profit despite being less than a $1 per cable. How much is apple charging?

      • -1

        You refuse to buy Apple iPhones because the cables are expensive? Okay. Try to avoid Samsung phones because their cables are overcharged as well.


        Scrub, charging cables for all phones are cheap on eBay.

        • +1

          I believe Apple place a microchip in the cable to prevent people opting for cheaper alternative. I don't believe Samsung does that.

        • +1

          so Samsung just ream you for the basic cable anyway

        • -2

          They put a chip in the cable because it has a lot of advanced features, for example, it has very high bandwidth, can adjust to slower devices, and can be plugged in either way.

        • Of course Samsung overprice their cables just like every other manufacturer does. But Samsung don't use a proprietary cable. You can buy any micro-USB cable for a few dollars and it will work perfectly fine.

          Apple on the other hand sell a proprietary cable and try to stop you from using a non certified one. You can buy a cheap Lightning cable, but your phone for a few dollars, but instead of just working normally, it will trigger a message saying that it's not certified.

        • +1

          "very high bandwidth"
          It's still a USB cable, same as the micro-USB cables Samsung uses, with the exact same bandwidth.

          "can adjust to slower devices"
          True. But that's just because it's a USB cable. All USB 2.0 and higher cables will do this, not just Apple's.

          "can be plugged in either way"
          That is an advanced feature. Just one though. Not "a lot".

      • This is an old problem.
        I used to sell printers. 20% margin on printer, 1000% margin on printer cable.

        Same theory with printer ink and PlayStation games. Once they have you they take advantage.

        But your iPhone will charge with more positive ions if you use a $300 Monster cable.

        • -4

          But the problem is Apple set a high margin for their phone as well.

        • +2

          lol… of course…. they have a high margin because people will pay it - economics 101

          btw, Samsung have a high margin on their flagship phones as well

        • +3

          sounds like you are all sheep

          I'm still using 2 cups and string

  • +2

    and again for this deal…Make sure you get your 36 Velocity points!…

  • are these MFI approved, or is it just a fluke that the error message does not appear?

    • +1

      I think the safe bet would be to assume no.

  • +1

    ok so the error will probably rear its head in future software updates.

  • Sorry my bad.. I thought this was just for 1 cable..

  • +3

    Answering some earlier comments about chargers, this blog gives some great insight into some of the nasty knockoffs and the hazards they present to your devices and property.…

    • Great article.

  • +1

    I've had loads of headache buying lightning cables from ebay, just recent threw away nearly 15+ lightning cables as they were useless, bought them from various buyers and I must have been very good picking the lemons :-(

    Thanks OP for the post, lets see if this will work as mentioned on the ebay site and future upgrades of iOS wont have any impact to the way these cables are meant to operate…

    • +1

      All lightning cables and adapters I have purchased from Shopping Square have failed.

      • Same here. They fail sooner or later within 2 months.

        Just bought 10 of these.

  • +1

    Thanks for the deal. Brought 10x.

    • +1

      As in 100 cables? O_O

  • +1

    thanks op

  • My Cables never arrived.. Messaged the seller. Seems like lot of unhappy customers

    • I got mine 3-4 weeks ago, works well

    • Cardz, you mentioned "Seems like lot of unhappy customers"
      Do you know of others?

      • Looking at the users feedback. There were heaps of people saying items didnt arrive or items are faulty and no response from the seller. Every day if I remember correctly.

        However the seller has been very prompt to my messages and promised to send me 'replacement' cables ASAP.

        So still hopeful things will be OK.

        • Cardz, are we talking about the same seller?
          On Ozbargain i have seen a lot of people complaining about faulty cables from Shopping Square.
          i have also seen many people complain about items not arriving from Gearbest.

          I think you are the only person that has mentioned an issue with this eBay seller.

          Also, eBay shows the seller has a rating of 99.8%

          I am not saying you did not have a problem, just mentioning "Seems like lot of unhappy customers" does not seem to add up for this seller.

          I hope you issue gets sorted out quickly.

        • Yes.. Same seller. He does has 99.8% rating. He must turn over a hell of a lot of stock.
          Has 41 neg rating in last 31 days


        • Yep and 6491 positive ratings.

        • I received my replacement cables today. They were not flat ones like I had ordered but I am satisfied.
          I appreciate they make small margins so I appreciate his customer service

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