This 22 page book is apparently worth USD 10.03. I just thought I'd have a little fun with the title.
[Kindle] Don't Give Your Work Away for Free - for, um, FREE
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It's like a free ride when you've already paid….
Sheesh…. Kids these days ;-)
Thanks for the reference
You can't have a high amount of irony. You either have irony, or you… don't. And you can't acquire irony.
Well, I have a generous quantity of ironing needing attention - You can be as ironic as you like in here LOL.
And no chance of "acquiring" grace … LOL; good one!
Appears I have no takers for the ironing.
Pity no hard copy or you could stack them on top of your shirts overnight, ironing irony
Aha; and the Monty Python followers are here too.
"Bring out your dead"
Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought $0 Startup for, Erm, $1.02 - irony levels increasing.
I logged in Specifically to Upvote this observation! *8vD
Not an overly successful book?
upvote for irony!
+1 just for the title !!
Surely thats against the forum rules
oh the ironing is delicious
You can come over and do my ironing any day luv!
As long as you don't eat the laundry that is..Classic Simpsons!
Well played.
But they are giving the book away for free … Yes, obviously not a best seller … having some difficulty in giving it away? Will they be paying us next to purchase one next?
No … but they'll pay you to buy these apps for free
Is this Amazon trying to be hipsters?
As they say "It's hip to be square" or rectangle or rectangular prism … maybe.
That deal ended, and now… it's free again. I think it goes free in celebration each time a copy sells.
I dont think it ever ended.
22 pages for US$10.03. That may be a World Record.
I shall no longer post anything free for free.
Interesting Book. I'll make a thousand copies and sell them.
At least there's someone in the forum who understands that 'for free' is bad English.
I am led to believe by some sucker who went to a "how to become a millionaire overnight" style self help event (Also isn't the real secret behind these events to sell suckers tickets at $350 each to conference about becoming millionaire overnight? Thus making one self a millionaire in the process?)
Anyway, The idea behind giving away your book on Amazon lets you get big sales numbers on it, so it gets featured on Amazon charts etc, and if its actually a reasonably good book then people review it etc. also increasing its status and then, as the cool kids would say BOOM! goes the dynamite, you have a book people want to buy and stands out a bit more on Amazon, you increase the price of the book to $10.00 sell 100,000 and then you become said millionaire.
Its what I heard, wondered if anyone else has heard the same?
You only need one conference presentation. Just change the audiances and you will never get a bad review from paying attendies. They would not admit to go to a bad show?
You mean people try to market their books? Whatever next.
The amount of irony is too damn high!