So I've found a cool game at a reasonable price on Gumtree seller lives on the other side of the country and has reasonable shipping too. Seller is also selling other games/items at good prices.
I've never purchased anything through gum tree online before and was wondering is this safe?
It seems like ebays done everything in their power to make it so you have no feedback or other ways to tell if the seller is reputable. Probably to keep Gumtree Local only.
Seller is also requesting payment by giving me his bank details so I assume bank transfer would be the payment method. Is this safe for me aside from no guarantee of him shipping it out?
Anyway you could think of I could find out if this sellers decent?
Thanks for the help!
Even if they are "decent" sellers by showing eBay feedback, DON'T RISK IT.
You will most likely get BURNT.
The only possible way would probably be to do it through paypal with invoice and pay small extra fee (I'm not really sure about this method) or have them list it on eBay at a slightly higher price for you to cover eBay fees.