The next best prices are
$567.00 @ Good Guys
$589.00 @ Target
$598 @ Harvey Norman
Seems like a good deal…
12 Month Worldwide Apple Warranty!
The next best prices are
$567.00 @ Good Guys
$589.00 @ Target
$598 @ Harvey Norman
Seems like a good deal…
12 Month Worldwide Apple Warranty!
12 month world wide warranty? I last checked at the Apple store was told no international warranty! Where (country) you buy it from where you go back for warranty!
Not true
Wi-Fi yes, 3G/LTE models no
Don't know why apple is still selling the iPad 2…its SO slow compare to current gen. And the price isn't that impressive.
It still runs all the latest apps and iOS 7 perfectly well - why wouldn't they sell it?
They re not. Apple no longer sell it.. It would be run out stock. But it's almost half the price of current generation model $749.
Comparing this to the latest model is almost like comparing apples to oranges :p
But we're comparing Apples to Apples?
Okay it's like comparing a rotten apple to a fresh Apple. Happy?
this is so expensive for something that came out so long ago.
It's The Apple
It's almost half the price of current generation model $749.
You keep saying that but it doesn't make the deal any better
Taking into account the price, the age of this model, the lack of features (resolution, 4G), and the lack of Warranty and Out of Warranty support from Apple Australia - I do not think this is a bargain.
Agree! I believe that Apple products are really overpriced.
lol, I'm tempted to pos vote because for once it's not second hand/refurbished as well as being outdated crap at ridiculous prices.
I would disagree with this comment. Yes, for the money you can have better things. But that can be said on many things posted here.
I think it is a fair price and great bargain price as you could not get it cheaper elsewhere.
I will not buy it, but for someone it can be great present for their parents or grandparents.
My 77 year old dad was struggling with Android tablet but he is happy with iPad. I don't like apple, don't have any of their products (for many reasons) but for some people it is the best fit…
LOL. My 30+ years old wife and her sister in law complained ipad was too hard to use and switching back to laptops I.e. windows.
It comes down to what you're used to, Apple is hard for novices too and does lots of stupid crap. Like the keyboard is always in caps, which confuses some people who first use iPad.
You almost feel sorry for Hardly Normal being used in a cheap "trading off" price comparison stunt by Kogan Hong Kong Limited. But then, Mr. Harvey regards us as "professionals", so I doubt anyone would knowingly fall for a Kogan HK "deal"
These are ancient & this is just trying to clear outdated stock, no deal
Sounds like they got a bunch of these left over and now trying to flog them off at cost. Too expensive for what is old tech.
Even if we were to justify it still really sucks with the 16GB storage.
I guess they are relying on uninformed customers to think this is a deal.
32GB version on Apples refurb store at the minute for $448. I know who I'd rather buy from….
In day to day usage I can't say I've noticed a massive difference in speed between my iPad 2 & 4, obviously the display and camera are heaps better on the 4 but I'm not sure it warrants the large price difference.
I see a huge difference in speed between my iPad 3 & 4 every time I launch an app. You are lucky not seeing the difference maybe good for you to buy those discontinued techs.
Still using my iPad2 Mini. Only issue that I have is the damn refreshing when I have multi tabs open. That is annoying.
Screen is a non issue for me. However I do notice that iOS7 is designed for Retina screens with all the thin typography all over the place.
$399 for 16gb tablet many generations behind a bargain? It doesn't even offer 4g or retina display. It's not 2011