Wee Ride Kids bike seat - the BEST thing ever

For anyone with little kids.

I bought the Wee Ride bike seat that goes in front of you on your bike, and it is the best thing I EVER bought for my bubs.

They sort of sit on a seat in front of you and you can talk and sing. My guy LOVES it. Now I have to go for a bike ride every day or he cracks it.

Easy to ride with them there, and doesn't affect your balance or anything. Supposed to be the safest way to give them a ride. (I personally hadn;t tried the back version before this one)

We bought ours on ebay for $154.95 free ship from (toad_boy_oz)the guy who runs the website www.weeride.com.au

So cheaper to buy it from him on ebay. Arrived day after I paid for it. Very easy to assemble.

Go for it. Best thing you will ever buy!

Oh, and people stare at us everywhere we go. Either they have never seen a kid riding up front before, or my singing alerts them to our prescence.


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