If you have kids who are into skylanders, you will be delighted!
Usual price @ target, dick smith $89 and bigw $68.
DS: http://search.dicksmith.com.au/search#w=skylanders%20starter
Taregt: http://www.target.com.au/search?text=skaylander+starter
BigW: https://www.bigw.com.au/bigw/search/bigw_search_results_gall…
The starter pack is for PS3, PS4,Wii, Wii U, Xbox and 3DS.
It includes the portal where you put a figure on top of it and it shows up in the game.
I went to DS, Target and BigW for price matching, none of them would do it.
DS excuse: we do not price match below cost items.
BigW excuse: we do not price match clearance items.
Target: we do not price match any electronic items.
Go figure!