Need a better wireless broadband/home phone plan

Hello, I am having trouble finding a decent bundled wireless broadband/home phone plan. We currently have a Telstra NextG Link, and pay about $120/month for home phone and internet with a download of 8Gb (which we always run out of, and then it gets slowed wayyy down). We do not have a phone line at our house that seems to be able to be hooked up, I have asked many times why and was recently told that the local telephone exchange was out of lines (or something like that..). I did sign up with iPrimus who said they could supply me with a good deal, and 6 weeks later have still not heard a peep from them other than they would need to send a technican out at a cost of $299… which I agreed to but still nothing. SO it looks like we are stuck with wireless.. anyone have any ideas on how to save, or get a better set up?


  • Have you looked into Cable? Assuming you live in a house, Telstra/Optus could possibly install a line.

    $120/month could easily get you ~200GB on Cable.

    I find it very strange that you can't get a phone line…very sus… didn't think it was possible?

    Edit: Naked ADSL might be another option

  • I know.. I don't understand why we can't get one but Telstra said to try another supplier..
    Thanks - I will look into cable and naked dsl

    • Naked still needs a phone line…
      You can look out your window to see if you have Cable running down the street, but if you don't have a phone line I don't like your chances!
      Ask your neighbors to see what they do for home phone and internet. Chances are that if there is an alternative, someone in your area has worked it out.

      • My neighbours have a phone line, and we actually have one too but cannot for some reason get it connected.. We are in a rural situation where we are on a large block in the middle of a larger (300 acres) block so we are not close to anyone, but actually only 10 minutes from a large town. I dont understand what the problem is - might try my luck calling them again when I have some patience!

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