Hitachi 28" HD LED TV with Built-in DVD Player $199. Ends 10pm EST
Edit: the price of the TV has now gones up to $229
Hitachi 28" HD LED TV with Built-in DVD Player $199. Ends 10pm EST
Edit: the price of the TV has now gones up to $229
I reckon they let the work experience kid into marketing department.
Nice one you really made me laugh at that Lol
Sick. Thanks for letting us know :)
Desperately trying to hit the quoted sales figures due after being floated to appease investors. It's sad.
Actually Dick smith are doing quite well since they were sold by woollies.
I never said anything to the contrary. They did however set a sales figure in the prospectus. This is why they're pushing these sales. They've cut store hours drastically in order to manufacture a result and these sales are another push. It's so frequent that it appears to be desperate and sad.
Better to sell stock frequently at a smaller discount on a regular basis, than to have stock take up space instore and at a warehouse and sell it at a bigger discount later on. It's customer service that gives me impacts my impression the most, seeing ozbargainers post DS deals and buying from them with confidence is all that matters to me. It's really no different than supermarket deals
they're trying to 'sell'
Sorry. Big thumb press wrong button. Was meant for + . The current owner is famous of cooking books and sell higher Company price.
Does dick smith sell Wii U consoles? I've never seen it discounted in these 'sales'
Nope they cleared them out cheap as long ago
What Panny is it? My guess would be the S60. If it's the ST, that's a good deal. Thinking of going for the PS4, but know they've been cheaper.
Info in link :)
Oh damn, cheers. Dunno how I missed it.
Stay away from Captain Howdy :)
Eneloop batteriesx8 pack for $19.99 look cheap… starting 11am to 12noon…
Just in time !
Got some RC 'copters and bike lights that could do with the eneloops.
Running NiMH on an RC heli? That's old school.
That's OK. I'm an old timer.
The 'copter runs those tiny cells
The base station charger runs 6 AAs as backup to the powered input.
My pushbike lights run another 4AAs and I have two sets of lights.
That's OK. I'm an old timer.
Well I guess you got your freesteakknives from Tim Shaw then? ;-)
Dick are having sale!!! AND THE CROWD GO… mild
Dick are having sale!!! AND THE CROWD GO… flaccid.
Dickies is probably one of the few companies that actually fulfill the term sale with the price reductions
Is Nikon D5200 Digital SLR single lens kit $649 a good deal? I have never own a DSLR, but thinking of getting into it, any recommendation for beginner?
Great camera. Highly recommend. Though I would suggest buying the body only and the lenses separate depending on your needs. Get the 18-105/140mm and a 35mm till you figure out where you really wanna go with this.
Hi, I'm also interested as well. I've seen a couple of these, possible twin lens kit, at Costco as well but I can't remember what the price was… If anyone remembers could they chime in and evaluate if I should bite on this?
Also are these able to be returned/refunded? If so I could purchase tomorrow and should Costco end up being cheaper and I could return it to DSE and buy from Costco instead?
Costco was $1200 for twin lens, bag, memory card, WiFi adapter. Might be forgetting something but wasnt worth it. Last I saw them in stock was months ago. They now have D7100 kit for $2200.
I own one and can vouch for it. Great camera for beginners and pros like. I am not a pro but learning new tricks and concepts from YouTube. It has got all the features that YouTube video instructors would ask for so no more looking at different video because my DSLR doesn't have a required feature.
Last time an ozbargain user was able to reveal the hidden deals. Hoping they can pull through again on this one.
The rest don't look like very good products bar 1
The smaller Panasonic must be this one.…
Hopefully it's a decent price.
i am flying overseas tomorrow…
good for you buddy!
i am flying overseas tomorrow…
Uh, oh, you're not on Facebook anymore!
im going to a restaurant tomorrow
im glad we can share with each other
I wonder how much that sound bar is going to be? It says to hot to reveal.
My email says $299 for the Yamaha YAS-201, and $189 for the LG. Thinking of getting the Yamaha
Toshiba 2TB Canvio Basics USB 3.0 Portable HDD $124 delivered. Available 4PM-5PM. Cheapest local stock?
is it today? I thought it was tomorrow yesterday when I have a look at it its saying come back tomorrow still?
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Thoughts on the LG sound plate?
Did anyone see headphones at 5 - 6pm? I didn't.
Yup.. Got the UE 4000 for $34 delivered.
This 'Hour of Power' deal is now expired.
Now replaced with the 'Frenzy Sale!' (Thursday-Friday only)
I suppose anyone who post this new sale as a deal will be duping against this comment :-)
bummer… missed out on swann dvr 4000 :(
Dicksmith has too many sales now.
Just do one a week or something you attention seekers!