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Rakuten Free Shipping


Minimum order 12,000 yen

User pays shipping if over 3,000 yen

Never bought here so please chime in if I got wrong..


thx jicks for clarification:

Your order needs to be a minimum of 12000 yen to qualify.

Case One: The total amount of your order is between 12000 to 15000 yen:
If they calculate your international shipping cost to be less than 3000 yen, then its free. If it is over, then you pay the amount that exceeds the 3000 yen they offer. (e.g I would have to pay 500 yen if my shipping cost is 3500 yen)

Case Two: The total amount of your order is over 15000 yen.
If they calculate your international shipping cost to be less than 5000 yen, then its free. If it is over, then you pay the amount that exceeds the 5000 yen they offer. (e.g I would have to pay 500 yen if my shipping cost is 5500 yen)

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Referral: random (32)

Referrer and referee get US$30.

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closed Comments

  • Anyone know if the kerosene heaters (or other kind) are good and efficient from here? Looking to heat a small-ish indoor room.. Have some airflow to the outside to prevent asphixiation.

    • +6

      When it comes to something like that, I'd be inclined to get it from an Australian retailer as it would (should) meet whatever standards are in place. If you import something that doesn't meet the standard and it burns down your house, your insurance is most likely worthless if they work out the cause.

      • japan is 110 volts. -so unless there is dual voltage…

        I used to use a kero heater in japan. yeah leave the door open a bit.

  • +1

    Rakuten: Same company which purchased viber earlier this year

    • also operates kobo ebook store I think……

  • +2

    I don't know WHAT this is all about, but if the website greets me with riddles such as…

    If shipping fee exceeds 3,000 JPY, the remaining amount is covered by the customer.
    If shipping fee exceeds 5,000 JPY, the remaining amount is covered by the customer.

    …i don't want to know what it is about.

    • +1

      If you purchase something between 12,000Yen and 15,000 Yen (roughly 120$-150$) you get free shipping up to $30 (3000Yen) if it's more you pay the difference. If your order is over 15,000 Yen you get up to 5000Yen shipping then you pay the extra.

      • +3

        Thanks for the reply, shirtygrizzly, now i know what the main problem is: This far exceeds my intellect :(.

      • -1

        One seller wanted to charge me ¥10928 - about $114.22c (current exchange rate) - for a screen protector that weighed a few grams. Other vendors were offering me similar shipping costs on that item, and other low weight items.

        I can't see how it would possible to get free shipping, even on a piece of paper :p

        Edit : Asked for further explanation and got this

        Commodity price JPY 12248
        International shipping fees JPY 180

        Total Shipping JPY 8500
        - Shipping JPY 1500(~0.5 kg)
        - International money exchange fee + international money transfer fee JPY 7000

        ●Total payment amount your order is【 JPY 20928 】

        It seems the "money transfer fee" is the real killer, especially since there is no other option with some sellers :-(

  • Their site is busted in Chrome. Firefox works though…

    • It works for me in chrome - I just went through the purchase process with a few items…

  • Any actual bargains? A quick look at external hard disk drives indicates they are not cheap. Or, perhaps good for exotic (to Australia) hard to find items?

  • site seems a bit confusing, looked at global knives and there was plenty of listings but all different

  • +1

    I am totally confused by the "FREE SHIPPING" offer.

    I have gone though the purchase process and received the confirmation emails asking if I would like to proceed. In each case they are charging me shipping.

    In one case the item is a small screen protector and with shipping the quoted total charge is 10 times the cost of the item itself - I find it hard to believe it could cost that much to post a screen protector of negligible weight.

    • Both the ozbargain description and the landing page mentions you need to spend 12,000 yen to get the free shipping. That is roughly AU$125.

      • I tried some items over ¥12,000 and the shipping cost they were quoting me was still close to $100 Australian dollars despite none of the items weighing more than a few hundred grams…

    • +1

      I hear ya. "FREE SHIPPING" not really.. only above the 12000JPY then capped (if over 12000JPY, capped at 3000JPY or if you spend over 15000JPY then capped at 5000JPY).

      I always get excited about these Rakuten "deals" (as I am always trying to source parts for my old Honda motorcycle) but am disappointed E-V-E-R-Y time. My 2 cents.. Not worth the trouble going through Rakuten (apart from the badly worded offers).. the few times I have grabbed a deal from JapanI've used a forwarding service, which others here have mentioned.

  • Basically its like this:

    Your order needs to be a minimum of 12000 yen to qualify.

    Case One: The total amount of your order is between 12000 to 15000 yen:
    If they calculate your international shipping cost to be less than 3000 yen, then its free. If it is over, then you pay the amount that exceeds the 3000 yen they offer. (e.g I would have to pay 500 yen if my shipping cost is 3500 yen)

    Case Two: The total amount of your order is over 15000 yen.
    If they calculate your international shipping cost to be less than 5000 yen, then its free. If it is over, then you pay the amount that exceeds the 5000 yen they offer. (e.g I would have to pay 500 yen if my shipping cost is 5500 yen)

    I've been buying stuff from the Japan Rakuten for years now, normally I'd use forwarding services but do use the Global Rakuten when the free shipping campaign comes.

    • +1

      Shipping fees obviously vary wildly, and it is quite annoying you have to wait, sometimes hours or days, to find out what they might be - in one example I was just offered a shipping fee of ¥8680 for an item weighing only a few grams, even with the ¥3000 deducted that is extortionate…

      Edit : After a request for further explanation, it seems maybe the price they are quoting for shipping is being artificially inflated by many places including an "international money transfer fee" - since no other payment methods are offered by some places I can't see how to get around this ?!?!?

      • I suggest you use a fowarding service that buys the item for you. I've been using FromJapan and have had no problems with their service.

        Low service fee, great communication, English compatible, choice of shipping method.

  • I've just ordered 2 futons and covers off Rakuten Global, been holding off until a shipping deal came along. Because originally the futon I wanted is $58 (each), but shipping was $82.

    Although not confirmed yet, hopefully deal goes through

    Have bought from the site one time before (Japanese snow crabs in cans), and was pleased with the outcome. They don't have amazing deals, but they do have things I can't get here easily

    thanks for the deal

    • snow crabs as in a food stuff? If thats the case….. Do you think a coffee can would also pass with customs the same way??? (collectable + can I want to order…)

  • +3

    Japan must be the most hostile place to order anything online from overseas.
    Amazon.co.jp; difficult, to say the least.
    Rakuten; difficult to say the least.

    Even when I've found bargains I tend to hit a brick wall at some stage.

    • Agree with this, always a bunch of hesitation transacting

      would like to buy more things if i had confidence

  • Hmm. Momotaro denim and Oni denim are super cheap compared to Au stores.
    Gonna snag a pair of 0702s. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    It looks like some people think Rakuten is like Amazon. It's not. In fact it's more like a collection of eBay stores (or Amazon Marketplace at least).

    Rakuten itself does not sell you goods. Individual merchants have accounts and sell their goods using Rakuten's website. That means your service can vary between different merchants.

    • Not all merchants will ship overseas. However, you can get around this with a forwarding service. (Tenso often has deals in conjunction with Rakuten.)

    • Not all merchants participate in promotions.

    • Not all merchants will know English. Rakuten will automatically translate the important things but if you need assistance from the merchant you might have difficulty. (All the goods listings are automatically translated too so that's why the English is terrible.)

    • And each store will charge you separately for shipping.

    I've bought things off Rakuten lots of times without trouble (usually forwarded through Tenso when they have a deal) but you should know these things before you jump in.

    • It looks like some people think Rakuten is like Amazon. It's not.

      I am not suggesting Rakuten is like Amazon; I was just mentioning that Japan is one of the most difficult places to order goods from. Amazon and Rakuten were just 2 things I've tried and each time I was hit with roadblocks. Do you know of any native Japanese stores that actually send goods here and sell competitively with the least amount of hassle and don't require paying for a forwarding service? Every time I've wanted electronics I've tended to order from the USA or UK. The Japanese are so successful at selling electronics worldwide, but just try to order anything from their country and sometimes I feel it's easier to fly there…

  • Cheers OP. I haven't had any experience buying from Japan. Any kind soul with recommendations of Japanese stuff that's awesome to purchase and fair value ? clueless if I'll be overpaying of not. Thanks

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