Warning: Car Rental Hire in Australia. Europcar. $160 for returning Rental Car One Day **Early**

If you've ever hired a car in Australia and been overcharged, you are not alone.

Below is my experience with Europcar-
See documents

Last month in April, I took my family to Gold Coast for Easter and hired a Toyota Corolla from Europcar.
The price quoted $277 all up for 4 days (Sun to Wed). Picked up Gold Coast and return to Brisbane Airport.
During pick up, Europcar charged my Credit Card $283 (few dollars difference which I did not question ).

Our trip cut short.
Car was returned to Brisbane airport on Tuesday night.
In particular, I asked for an invoice on the spot.
(There was a prior incident that I returned a hired Audi A5 convertible. Europcar called me 3 days later and accused me of not returning the car. I told them to report to the police about the car theft. The manager did not and tried to hold me liable. The A5 was found over a week later. It was their staff mistakes. I had yet to receive a call or an apology from Europcar.)
Staff said one was sent to my email account immediately. It did not.

Being a smart ozbargainer, I checked my statements online soon after hiring cars.
Instead of $282, Europcar charged my credit card an extra $160 and brought a total of $452,
for return the car 1 day early.

I found it hard to make a request to Europcar because their phone line is busy and non existent.
Their web directs customers to email their complaints which Europcar takes typical 10 days to reply.

Finally, I spoke to Europcar's customer service who seemed experience to object this type of complaints.
I was told I was in breach of contract for returning the car 1 day earlier. Their rate is cheaper for hiring longer period of time.
How much is the overnight parking fee in Brisbane airport? Never had I had any issue for returning the car early with Avis. That's the reason I asked Europcar for an invoice on the spot on return to avoid any dispute. It was my mistake to trust the wrong people for not insisting further for a hard copy.

I am filing a credit card dispute claim and have reported the incident to the relevant government bodies.
There are complaints about Europcar on extra charges in the past threads of Ozbargain.
It is not uncommon that customers are not informed and charged for unlisted items post rental.
Customers are left unprotected by asking to provide credit card detail and sign off broad agreement to accept liabilities/charges.
Tourists often found out the extra charges on their credit card statements once arriving home.

Hopefully, the more feedback you give, the more people is made aware.
So government bodies may consider to intervene, to protect tourists from being overcharged and Australia reputation as one of the top travel destination.

Related Stores

Europcar Australia
Europcar Australia


  • +11

    So they charged you for the 4 days.. then charged you more because you paid for 4 days but returned it after 3?

    Thats screwed up haha thanks for the heads up though I will make sure I don't do this in the future.

    But seriously..
    A) you'd think they would prefer that because it gives them extra potential to hire out said car and
    B) In the highly competitive market of car hiring you'd think that they would want to retain your business and not push you away….

    • +1

      Surprisingly, car rental is not as competitive as majority of us think. All major rental companies have their own segment of clientele. For instance, Avis has more corporate business. Thrifty has lots of trucks rental. Europcar has more tourists from European countries. Most do more business on corporate rentals during weekdays than weekend holiday goers. Some may not care to lose a few retail clients while making a fortune to take advantage of tourists who would not return for a long time anyway.

  • +20

    Given your trouble with the Audi, why did you do business with them again?

    • +3

      Good question. Avis was booked out for the period at the location. Europcar has newer fleets than the rest and offers virgin velocity points. The missing Audi was a result of incompetence of individual staff. Thought I gave Europcar another go. It was a bad decision of mine in hindsight.

  • +3

    I think it makes sense. They have a different daily rate for 3 days or more than 3 days.

    I have just checked it myself. The total charge for 4 days is cheaper than 3 days.
    So essentially, OP was just trying to get the cheaper rate and got bitten back by europcar.

    • -5

      While the ordinaries can settle with full recommended retail price, ozbargainers look out for the best possible deal.

      • +5

        So, you are changing your story now?

        Our trip cut short.

        or not??

        • -1

          ozbargainers look out for the best possible deal.

          Fact doesn't change.

        • +11

          Its important to share the truth, instead of a made-up story.

          Based on your post, ozbargain on facebook shared this as the summary.

          An OzBargainer booked a car for 4 days. He decided to cut his trip short, thus only renting the car for 3 days and returning the car 1 day early. By returning the car early, Europcar Australia charged him an extra $160. Is this fair?

        • -3


  • +8

    Would the $283 quote be for 4 days, while the $452 be the quote for 3 days (plus extra fees for breaching contract?). Maybe the sudden return of the car messes up their plans and schedules in terms of where to put the car.

    • -1

      Should be plenty of space in Brisbane airport.

      • +2

        Not sure if you take notice or not, but rental cars don't just park anywhere in the airport. They have a specific number of reserved parks for each company.

        • +1

          by keeping it, they have to pay for the insurance as well, where if u kept it, u pay for the insurance.

          I had the same experience as in renting longer is cheaper than shorter time. So i kept the rent longer, even i'm not using it to meet the condition. (almost 10 years ago - so it's nothing new)

          It's the contract you signed with them. They normally have a clause, if you breached the contract, daily rental fee will be charged. - not the 3 or 4 days special.

        • by the way mine was with @VIS, i would think most car rentals have the same clauses…….

  • +1

    You may find that multiple day rate specials are waived when a car is returned early with all car rental co's OP.

    • -5

      Just ask a hypothetical question: If you go to Woolies/Coles to buy your family groceries, you see on the shelves advertising 3 punnets of strawberries for $10. It does not say how much each punnet. You bought two punnets. You were not provided a receipt when asking one on checkout. When you get the credit card statement few days later, you find out two punnets of strawberries cost you $16 instead of 3 for $10. What do you think? I would think it is acceptable that the unit price of each punnet is more if you buy one instead of three. However, it defies logic if you pay more for getting 2 instead of 3. Luckily, you can get a refund from Woolies/Coles if not happy, but not from Europcar.

      • +20

        I will use your analogy. You are at the supermarket and see a sign that says "4 punnets of strawberries for $10" even though the usual price is $5 per punnet. You take 4 punnets to the checkout, but then decide that you can't eat them all and only need 3 punnets — so you are charged $15 even though you could have had 4 punnets for $10. Basically you have failed to meet the requirements of the promotion and that is why you were charged more. You could have bought the extra punnet, thrown it away and paid less.

        In the same way, you could have returned the car on the 4th day — even though you didn't need it on the last day — and paid less. I won't get into the semantics that you may have needed to catch a flight and couldn't return it on the 4th day, as this does not form part of your contract with Europcar.

        I agree with you that it is lunacy that you had to pay more for hiring the car for less days, but that's Europcar's promotion and you failed to meet the requirements.

        • -3

          I agree with you too - if it says 4 for $10, take 4 and throw one out. Question is where the point of check out is. During the car pickup, I hanged my credit card which was charged for the full amount of 4 days. Would you expect someone following you after the checkout and see if you finish the 4 punnets. If you eat only 3, you will be charged full price $20 on your next credit card statement automatically.

        • To answer your question no I would not expect someone to follow me and see if I eat 4 punnets,
          though no one from Europcar followed you, you returned the car early and were charged accordingly.

        • +5

          if it says 4 for $10, take 4 and throw one out.

          your analogies really are quite wrong and heavily biased towards painting you in a better light.

          a much better food analogy might be more like

          restaurant offers "buy 4 meals only pay for 2"

          you go to said restaurant with 3 people, order 4 meals initially but then cancel the 1st meal but still expect the 2 other remaining meals to be free..

      • +2


        Your analogy makes sense, but you need to look at it slightly differently.

        In the supermarket, you can argue that not knowing the price you paid more. If you knew then you would have made a different decision.

        In keeping with the analogy,

        You would have decided to pay the price, or just get an extra punnet.

        So to keep the same, if you knew you would have to pay the $160 extra would you have kept the car for the extra day?

        Given you probably would have missed your flight and probably had tickets like a true Ozbargainer, paid for in advance, the cost of staying on and using the car for an extra day would have cost you more. Which also could indicate you knew well in advance you were never going to use the the extra day, which also was over a long weekend (Easter).

        (I ignore the other supermarket option of not buying as you had already eaten the two punnets before paying at the checkout).

        As for the logic of Europcar's promotion, these are not as illogical as they seem. They know from their own data that 3 day deals are in high demand - eg Fri Sat Sun weekenders, so why sell those cheap, promoting 4+ day hires opens up rentals to a new market. Plus returns on busier days can require extra resources.

        Personally I am no fan of Europcar, but in this case while no Ozbargainer wants to pay more I cant see how Europcar did anything wrong. The lack of the invoice on the day while inconvenient, is effect irrelevant as it wouldn't have changed anything, unless you believe you could have browbeaten the staff there to give you a lower price. Luck of the draw :)

        • Thank you RockRacoon for your objective comments which I agree. In this case, there is no indication of $160 extra for early return - neither on the quote nor at the point of return. Decision may not be changed but could be changed if I know when returning the key (That's why I ask for an invoice which staff avoid). Options could be - call a friend to take the car for an extra night. Drop the key into an express post envelope. Thank you for you all who can view the matter of objective consumer right discussion. And to make awareness to the consumers who do not know.

        • +2

          Thanks for the response. Yes I know it sucks, I hate paying out more than I have to as well, hence our involvements here.

          Not knowing before hand would dramatically impact your decisions and I think that is the tack that you need to take in looking at this issue.

          To help ease the pain, even finding out at the airport with the "invoice" would be too late. 1. Its returned and 2 if you could still keep it, getting a friend over to pick it up at that late stage wouldn't have worked.

          I think the real lesson for everyone here is with Car rentals is be prepared with knowledge from the posts here. All agencies have their issues, from scratches told would be OK and deals like you had. Thats the advantage here of the sharing.

          The ironic thing for me is that I have never had any issues with car rentals. Even when in the US one car was damaged with an attempted breakin, which I pointed out to the agent on return and they said, that's ok, things happen. (The irony was it was National car Rental - Europcar associate in the US). I had even called my travel insurance co to advise them I might be charged. But I never relaxed entirely until a few months after I never got any extra charges on my credit card.

          Life's like that, win some lose some, hopefully win more. Cheers

        • Again constructive feedback. Thx. Fly enough to know.

        • At the end of the day
          Some you win, some you don’t
          So I’m glad that I’m here
          With some friends that I know
          Always there with a smile
          Saying you’re not alone

  • Where is the bikies poll option?

    • +1

      Could cause unintentional problem, if you pay them for 4 days but only use them for 3.

      • -2

        Imagine you go to Video Ez* and hire 7 weekly videos which are due next Wed. The movie is great, you finish them in 4 days. You are so popular at work. Next week your schedule at work are fully packed , you decide to return the video earlier on Sun. Next time you visit again, you find out you owe money to the Video store. Store says, "Weekly Special - 7 Weekly Videos for $10. Weekly means 7 days. By returning early, it counts the normal rate $4 per video.Now is $28." Our daily rate is higher. For returning it early, it creates logistic problem to the video shore. What would you do? "I am sorry I return the video too early."

        • +9

          But videos are different to cars. Europcar wouldn't be expecting the car until the next day and wouldn't have a car park reserved for it when you returned it. Videos on the other hand take up very little space

          From above it sound like you were planning to return it a day early because it was cheaper…

        • +1

          Add to the issue that it was originally rented from the Goldcoast, so relocation adds to the complexities, then it was over Easter, so a much busier time etc etc.

  • +2

    We avoid them if possible, they seem to be somewhat dodgy. Once after we returned our car there was a charge for fuel on our CC, we called them and they removed it, no questions asked. Left me wondering if they try it and see if the customer doesn't notice.

    • Often. Always keep fuel receipt.

    • +1

      I rent cars fairly often. They ALL are dodgy.

  • +1

    Ordinarily, something like this would sound absurd and unfair, if you'd paid for 4 days and returned the car early (while still paying for the extra day in which you no longer had the car).


    I think this is an important point worth remembering:

    I was told I was in breach of contract for returning the car 1 day earlier. Their rate is cheaper for hiring longer period of time.

    If it is in fact true that a 4 day car hire would be cheaper than a 3 day hire - then the fact you paid for 4 days and only kept it for 3 is quite different to the scenario I wrote above.

    I don't quite agree with your complaint, OP. It seems fair that the company have decided to charge you extra. I expect that they would have only charged you the difference between the cheaper 4 day hire and the actual 3 day hire cost. Charging you any more than that would be unfair.

  • +1

    Is it just me that wonders… Why the Facebook link displays a pic of a car going through an 'AVIS car rental' shop window?

  • +6

    I had friends visiting from overseas couple of years ago, and we rented a car from Europcar ( this was in SA). When they handed us the car, one of their workers came with paperwork noting down all existing damages and we noted some fine scratch on the side of the car, we promptly pointed it out to him, he said those are fine, and damn we should have insisted. Anyway we didn't obviously and we took pictures though but clearly that didn't mean anything because as we return the car in the airport, my friends were force to pay an 'excess' for insurance because of that said scratch. It was about 400 I think. We refused to pay them but they said we have to and my friends needed to check in for their flights so we ended up giving in after much heated exchange with them. They said we can complain after and dispute it, which I have done but obviously no one bothered replying the emails. I called and even went in to the branch. They just kept me going in circles so in the end nothing was done. Le sigh. So yea, been bad mouthing them to every visiting tourist since LOL.

    • Avis has the newer cars and best customer service of all. Accordingly, Avis and Budget share car pool. The new ones usually go to Avis, damaged ones go to…

  • +1

    This is not a breach of contract. Your contract with them is essentially that you get use of their car for four days, not that you will use the car for exactly four days.

    Also there is no damage to them in you returning the car early (beyond perhaps having to store it for one more night than planned). Ok they might not be able to rent it out again that day, but they do have the opportunity to do so which is actually a benefit to them on top of the 4 days hire charge they already agreed to and received.

    I would ask to see the clause in the contract that states they are entitled to charge it.

    Having said all that, good luck seeing your money again.

  • When it comes to travel, skimping always causes pain. I'm a dedicated Ozbargainer but always fly Qantas and rent Budget and Avis. You travel for work and enjoyment and it's hard to do either when your screwing around with dodgy airlines and rental companies.

    • Yeap. Flied business and screwed by this. Too bad. Europcar will be off another corporate account.

  • +2

    Are there any good experiences with Europcar? I've only had smooth experiences with Avis, thrifty and hertz. But notice that hertz quote prices without gst on vroom. So everything needs extra 10%. Even the credit card surcharge needs extra 10%!! Why do airlines need to comply with advertising full price but car rental companies are exempt?

    • Excellent question to ACCC.

  • +1

    Europcar are charging this because they can. Let's not assume they're in cost recovery here without proof. This is how businesses like this make substantial amounts of money.

    Are there a lot of customers booking for four days and returning in three days to get a lower daily rate? If so, there's better ways to combat the problem. If this is how they choose to do business, at the least they should have a very clear warning on their contact about the exact ways the final charges can vary. But again, this is not how they do business - for a reason.

  • +16


    OP knowingly makes contract for cheaper price for X number of days knowing they were not going to keep said contract terms

    OP breaks contract and it changed full price rather than the discounted price originally offered for x number of days

    OP comes on OzB, twists the facts to paint self in better light, complains about how hard done by he was because he was in the wrong, proceeds to bash company for doing nothing wrong.

    sounds about right i guess….

    • +2

      He probably would've garnered more sympathy by telling the truth.

      Then we could've helped him to work out a scheme for next time — like a contract to rerent the car out for that one day and making a profit.

  • +2

    I am with you OP, no matter what, you already pay for 4 days. it is not like you pay for 2 days and returned it on 3rd day. Let us know what is the outcome

  • The multiday discount is not that unusual. Ive hired cars and left them in parking buildings for a few days because its cheaper to do that than hire them for the time I need them for. If there wasn't an extra charge everyone would hire for long periods and return early. Which clearly wouldn't work.

    Now, you're probably thinking this is unfair but it means people on holidays (long trips) get cheaper cars at the expense of business (short trips). Make of that what you will.

  • +1

    Ask the good folks at ABC http://www.abc.net.au/tv/thecheckout/

  • +5

    LOL Europecar reviews on product review - 248 of them Checkout http://www.productreview.com.au/p/europcar.html

  • +1

    OP, your post and the Europcar reviews have got me concerned over my last trip in January (Budget) I will have to check if I was or was not overcharged. Did not expect such unscrupulous behaviour in the industry. We were met in the car park by an attendant who signed the car in, checked it and issued an invoice on a handheld device. My concern was over scratches on the vehicle not initially on the record which I raised to their attention prior to driving off. they merely noted it on MY COPY and sent me on the way.

    In your situation, I would be equally upset. When you took the car in on the Tuesday- did they advise you of the breach? If they issued you an invoice, that should have been the final cost of the hire excluding any damage or fuel. My expectation would also be that they would charge for the 4 days as per the contract unless advised at the drop off of any penalty, adjustment or breach costs.

    Just curious, you would have incurred other costs for cutting the trip short- one nights accommodation, flight change costs, etc- in the scope of things, is the $160 substantial?

    • accomodation - no charge, 24 hrs prior notice, not a prepaid. flight - no charge. flexible. $160 more than original quote. yes, % increase is substantial. If $160 out of pocket compared to flexible air tickets - answer is no. Justice - Price above.

  • +2

    F**k europcar, I rented in QLD and it hailed, my car was under cover, every car in their lot wasn't (as there car depot is out in the open)

    returned the car, they said they where billing me for hail damage and it would be a huge amount, I told them I had travel insurance and then europcar didnt say another word or send me any bill (as a consumer, we arent going to go through the court system, the insurance company would have)

  • +8

    Stop trying to spin it to sound like you had been ripped off…… You rolled the dice to try and get the 4 day promo discount knowing you had been going to return it early and lost!

    Yes in your mind and in a lot of peoples minds it sounds wrong. But the pricing is adjusted based on the length of rental etc. Was the $160 a fee for returning it early or just the 'extra' you would have paid if you didn't get the 4 day promo? Post a picture of the invoice (with your details blanked out)….

    • -1

      What 4 days promotion? Every car rental companies run promotion daily and offer 'best' rate (which is list rate). Despite this incident, lIfe is not fixed. Flight can change for whatever reasons you may have. Think it is not incorrect that customers have the right to know another extra upfront - black and white. Not obliged to open a blank cheque and say "use it and I will fix you up later."

      • Well sadly thats what ALL hire companies are asking you to sign when you hire a car. A blank cheque to cover the rental, fuel, surcharges, broken windscreens etc. All hire companies are like this.

        Post your invoice for us to see what really happened on the bill.

  • +1

    I have had experiences with europcar , the quote that is given is always charged over and above the quote. I was simply told that the quote is a general quote given and varies charges at the airports. They are parasites. I have vowed not to rent cars from eurpocar.

    • Europcar quote is 'cash' price, but they don't take CASH and only credit card, so you get slugged the 1.5% CC fee. Plus there are extra fees for more than one driver and if you select any other things extra to your quote.

  • +6

    I'm another unhappy Europcar customer who will never use them again (I advise everyone I know too to avoid them)…my story…once upon a time

    We arrived at Melbourne airport and went to collect hire car, car we had booked was unavailable so the only option was a Nissan tilda (terrible car) so we took it because we had to and just as we left the airport and joined the freeway I saw the drivers side wheel trim go flying off, now you don't want to stop on the freeway at 5pm unless you want to die so when we pulled over as soon as we could get off the freeway.

    I called the europcar office we just left and told them what happend and to our surprise we were informed we had to pay the $900 excess even though we had bought the collision damage waiver, I told them 1 wheel trim coming off within 5 minutes of taking the car was not on and that $900 was taking the preverbal but they insisted that's what would happen if we brought the car back with 3 wheel trims.

    I spent the weekend trying to source a matching wheel trim instead of us enjoying ourselves which I finally did even though all the dealers insisted you had to buy a full set :/

    Never ever again.

    • car parks are a great source of one off wheel trims ;)

      • +1

        Believe me I looked.

  • After a few unhappy experiences with other companies, I have pretty much resigned myself to only using Hertz for my car rentals. After spending about $5k on car rentals with them in the US and another $1000 in NZ, car rental is one of the few products for which I will happily pay more to get a better service. Saving $100 here and there is not worth it compared to the headaches they can cause you when accusing you of not filling up enough fuel, causing damage to the car that was pre-existing, and generally trying to screw you in other ways.

    Most recently I returned a Hertz car to Auckland airport that I had for a week - driving out of Taupo in the early morning caused us to get a chip in the windscreen, right in the eyeline of the driver. I had a sunken heart and expected to have to pay some sort of insurance excess for this - but they didn't bat an eyelid on return.

    Being a Hertz Gold member also allows me to earn points and, where the airport accommodates it, gives me the option of using Hertz Gold Choice to swap out my car with something else at no extra charge (in the US, this usually meant we could hire a sub-compact car and drive off with a 280hp Nissan Maxima from more than a few places).

    • +2

      Like all stories there are two sides.

      I rented a car in the US (LAX) from one of the second tier companies (Alamo, National, Dollar, Thrifty)

      1. I paid $80pw for a Dodge 200 sedan (free upgrade)
      2. The car had only done 1000 miles on pick up
      3. Had no issues with return etc
      4. Joined their rental club to get the discounts.
      5. Hertz rate was $400pw+
      6. Rental period was for 4 weeks $1600 vs $320
      7. Airport bus pickup

      But one thing I always do when renting in the US is to purchase specific car rental insurance - you can find details in the Ozbargain travel wiki. It also covers things the car rental agency insurance wont, like windscreens and underbody damage AND is cheaper mine was around $130 for an ANNUAL premium vs the car rental waivers of $20 a day ($600+ 4 weeks hire)

      As I mentioned above in another post having the backing of an independent insurance co to cover excess costs helps. Also as another poster mentioned, when the agency has to deal with an insurance co, rather than an individual, they have to have a good case for their claim.

      Moral is to avoid the car agencies insurance offerings as you are dealing with the fox and the chicken

      Also document all dealings and get everything in writing - no she'll be right mate, unless they note that comment on the contract, which they wont.

      • Is you annual insurance policy with one of the companies listed on the travel wiki page?


        • Yes, although if you do a Google search there are more offerings now.

          Hope it works for you like it does for me.

        • +1

          Interestingly you mentioned, a virgin email came today -allianz now offering multitrip insurance.

  • +1

    Hit up their FriendFace page

  • +3

    From memory, Europcar has a CC surcharge, which is not listed on the quote. But when you pick the car up, they were unable to take alternative forms of payment. That's probably why you paid higher than the quoted price initially.

    • -1

      yeah I've gotten hit with this one many times! I say I want to pay cash, they say they don't take cash….. The reason is so they can slug your credit card for any 'extras' they feel like later on. If you paid cash, no credit card imprint!

      • I offered to provide CC details for security, but wanted to pay in cash to avoid surcharge. Was surprised they still said no.

  • +2

    Sounds perfect for A Current Affair!

    • Guy hires car, didn't read contract, returns car early and company applies the terms in the contract on him that he agreed to!

      • +1

        But its A Current Affair, thats not how they would spin the story….. LOL

    • I think I have seen Europcar in ACA before for dodgy practices.

  • Wow, the comments on this website say it all - http://www.productreview.com.au/p/europcar/1.html

    Shifty, shitty, deceptive company that no one should ever deal with.

    • I noticed a common 'thread' across all the reviews. Don't hire from the Melbourne airport branch!!!!

    • Also there is a common issue with reviews on the internet, people only go to the internet to complain!

      Check out the other big ones, all have bad reviews with an average of 2 stars or less




      Edit - Avis is winning the 'reviews' with nearly a 3 star rating of 2.8. http://www.productreview.com.au/p/avis.html

      • +1

        It's pretty telling, car rental companies are pretty dodge at the best of times. I don't think I have ever had a great experience. A necessary evil.

        A lot of their business is probably corporate where there is little chance that someone would pickup on dodge extra charges, and of course as you noted people only tend to speak up to complain.

        • -1

          People from corporate normally do not think twice. Not own pocket. But tend to go Avis. Less argument eg over scratches. Qantas frequent flyer point. Daily rate is better than others on corporate rate. Car can be returned to either Gold Coast or Brisbane - no one way fee in OOL/BNE airport like Europcar. If you hire a car a day plus few hours, you pay hourly rate extra. With Europcar, you return half an hour over a day, it is calculated as two days (24 hours block). Please excuse my French ….

  • +1

    Complaint to the Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading

  • +4

    The opposite happened to me. I hired a car with them for 5 days and returned it after 3. A few days later I got refunded for the difference.

    • +1

      this happen if it's special peak season where 5 days cost is equal to 1 day cost X 5. Then you get the refund, as per the clauses.

  • +1

    Newbie mistake. Park the car in one of their spots. Post them the key before cutoff for next day delivery.

  • +1

    Justice might be slow, but sometimes shady practices do get reported and prosecuted: http://www.themercury.com.au/news/scales-of-justice/court-sl…

    • Thanks OP. Just booked next holiday in Tassie. Car Hire booking through Virgin with a choice of Hertz, Thrifty and Europcar. Avoided Europcar.

  • Thumbs up to ACCC and Justice Minister.

    Re reading contracts, T&C is so broad and fine prints are small.
    To read T&C when customers are in the airport counter. It is either to agree whatever it says or 'do not hire a car' which often means cancelling the trip.

    wonder if ACCC could standardise the contract and make them fair and transparent, like what we have seen the changes to mobile phone contracts.

  • Try a quote of 3 days vs 4 days rate on AVIS as of today. 4 days is similar to 3 days, in fact less.

    Will post again once heard back from the government bodies.

    Speak out if you have issue with Europcar.m so hopefully ACCC will follow its recent successful prosecution with Europcar in Tasmania and investigate further .

  • Wrap up -
    1. Dept of Fair Trading is EXCELLENT. Followed up with Europcar which insists they charge the right thing on contract. Offer $50 credit. Only because contract says increase of daily rate but not one way fee if return early. I did not take up the offer. (Avis does not charge one way fee between Gold Coast and Brisbane).
    2. ACCC had not replied on this occasion. Expect complaint on file and will monitor.
    3. Best service is credit card company - product satisfaction protection. Full amount refunded.
    4. Think loser is Europcar. For $160 - loss of my corporate business forever.

    • "3. Best service is credit card company - product satisfaction protection. Full amount refunded. "

      What is this exactly? Which credit card?

      • Money was refunded on the statement. be honest, not 100% sure how.
        Do not think it is Europecar as Dept of Fair Trading said Europecar responded was to offer $50 back.
        It is not ACCC. This left the dispute raised through credit card.

        It is for peace of mind to have a credit card that has the free purchase cover protection or extended warranty or travel insurance. Better still is no annal fee for life. Will pm you detail.

  • Just come back from Tassie with family for school vac.
    Hired Hertz car through Virgin (option through Europcar, but not again) for 4 days, same class.
    $138 all up. Paid $15 per day extra for insurance to cover access through Alliance. Invoice in inbox the same day.
    Few 'wear and tear' otherwise perfect car to drive. A happy holiday.

  • +1

    Europcar is on my list of companies with which I will never deal again.
    The last time I rented from them they wanted a payment for car damage, in spite of the fact that I returned the car in perfect order. Turns out there WAS car damage, but it happened in their car park, after I returned the car. We argued about it for a few weeks, and a well-timed phone call from a mate who works for the media ended the whole thing.
    My rules for renting cars are; always do a phone video walk-around when you pick the car up and one when you return it, and clearly state the date and time when you are doing them. If there is any damage on the car when you pick it up, take stills of that as well. Also, take a pic of the odometer in and out, to document the mileage, and one of the fuel gauge when you return the car. When you drop the car off, if someone is there to inspect the car and take the key, get their name and write it down — and if possible, take a pic of them as well.
    Sounds like a lot of trouble, but it actually only takes a minute or two and could save you a lot of drama later.

  • +1

    branners, quoted by @webbj above. here you find justice.

  • Credit to the professionals who pop up its website on search engine. Only be able to find the juice from search page 5 onwards.

    Found a webpage dedicated to Europcar from people all over the world.


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