I bought a 1000w Sony Xplode Subwoofer(x1) but i haven't got the amp/the kit yet is there a certain watt/channels the amp has to be in order for it to run efficiently
Need help with subwoofers in cars

Once you go beyond 600w I would use 4 gauge cable over 8 gauge.
I suspect 1000w here is peak and not RMS. Sony's are known to advertise on peaks rather than RMS. If it's the peak, RMS would be around 400 mark and hence 8 gauge would be sufficient.
Wouldn't get an amp near the subs rated power, that is what it is rated at at small, peak bursts. I would say a 1 channel 300 Watt RMS amp would be good. Or go a 4 channel, bridge two to run the sub and have two spare for front staging
i went into jbhifi and they told me to get a mono amp because i only have a subwoofer and plan on using stock speakers where should i go from here
go a 4 channel, bridge two to run the sub and have two spare for front staging
yup i would be doing this and get yourself a reasonable pair of front speakers (preferably splits) to compliment the sub.
Please don't tell me you have one of those exhaust pipe covers that make them look bigger too.
what about the ones with led lights on them
i have a bone stock car, except its lowered cause your mothers in the back seat
what's your budget, music type you listen to and car model?
Yup, like everyone says, monoblock at minimum 200RMS but ideally 300RMS if the price is not that different. Make sure you read reviews on the amp before buying… Some brands are better at reaching / holding their peak RMS but in essence, just powering one sub with stock speakers probably would not justify an overly expensive amp. My friend got a cheap brand amp that doesn't work to it's rating BUT it does the job.
if its just the one sub you need powered, better to get a monoblock amp with the same RMS rating as your Sub. You only need one channel because it sounds like its just a standard 4ohm sub.
wiring kit… 8 gauge cable should be fine.