Queensland speed fine, living in NSW

acouple of weeks ago on 14 april while on my holiday in queensland I recieved a fine doing 112km in a 100 zone, was fined $147 and was told will lose 1 point and have 28 days to pay it off. And right now I'm trying to figure out how on earth am I going to pay it was online fines, fines recieved by a police officer cannot be done, also online you need a qld license, and I can't pay at qld since I'm back in nsw.
The only option is by mail, does anyone know if another way since I prefer not to go to get a cheque and mail it which I have to wait till Monday, cheers.

Also my fine ticket does not have a 14 digit number.


  • According to this page: https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/fines/pay/ a money order would do.

  • +2

    Call helpline number and pay by credit card. Need to talk to the operator. Mention you are from another state. If the fine is manually issued by police, there is chance that the event has not been entered into the system, ie no event number yet. Ask the operator what to do.. You may be asked to wait another week, and to document the operator's name and time of call as reference. Call again once the event is in the system and paid with credit card. Good Luck. PS. Please confirm yourself and decide.

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