Car making weird noises

Hi everyone,

I have a 2011 Toyota Corolla which I noticed have been making this weird grumbling/grinding? noise when I brake. It doesn't happen all the time but it did sound really awful at some stage. So here's me thinking the brakes are gone and since I was due for a service, I went to an authorised Toyota service centre to get it serviced and told them about the noise. It came back negative and they said the brake pads are fine but tyres need replacing and it might be due to that. So I had the tyres replaced at a tyre place (purely because it's cheaper) but i noticed the noise is still there! I don't know if I am imagining things that it might be somewhat better but it's still very noticeable sometimes when I brake. I'm just wondering should I go back to the Toyota centre or should I get the brakes checked out again at a different place because part of me still thinks it's from the brakes :( any advice or help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

Also I just moved to sydney and I realise the roads here are somewhat more uneven but I doubt it's coming from just the roads right? Sorry I know very little about cars :(


  • Funny enough we have the same model and year, I've had that problem should be your brake pads, went to the service center and the guy rode with me and heard it and checked and said it was the pads, got it replaced and sound was gone.
    Sound only happens after the car is running for a bit I'm guessing as well.

    Go somewhere else and have them check or ask them to take a ride with you around the block.

    • Thanks for that! I can't actually pinpoint what brings on the sound really. It's doesn't make that noise when I'm braking downhill or uphill, only when I'm coming to a stop, towards the end it will make the grumbling noise. My brakes squeak, has been for a while and it still does so I always thought they're thinning. The Toyota report says there's 6 mm still but I reckon I'll get it checked somewhere else like you said. Any suggestions where to go because I'm not too familiar with local mechanics. I don't mind travelling a bit. I'm in western sydney

      • coming to a stop, towards the end it will make the grumbling noise

        Yeh same problem as me, you have a fair bit left on your brake pads though, mine was like ~4mm and the sound was annoying me so I didn't want to wait till they were 2mm.

        You could go back to the Toyota Service center and ask one of the mechanics to drive around the block with you so they can hear it as well. I don't know why they didn't in the first place.
        I'm not familiar with mechanics as well since I got mine done at my local toyota service.

        You could wait till the next service though 6mm is still quite a bit and replacing them costs like ~$260ish if I remember correctly.

      • +1

        See point 3.

        It sounds like this is only occuring at low speed (ie. at the very end of stopping) when the brakes are applied relatively lightly, which would lead me to believe that it is simply the brakes vibrating against the disc.

        If the pads were down it would be squeeling at all speeds (it's pretty hard to miss if you know what the noise means).

  • -1

    I have a different car but get some strange sounds when braking hard and ABS kicks in, or when it's really wet and the brakes need to steam off some water.

  • Sounds like the pads are worn out.

  • +1

    If you know little about cars, then take it back. The mechanics there will be better than whatever advice you get from ozbargain.

    Just say that you got the weird sound, the last mechanic told you it was the tyres, you changed the tyres, you're still having the same issue. They should fix it up without charge because you asked them already last time, but they still failed to fix it.

    Had a similar issue with my handbrakes being over-tightened. Took it back, they sorted it out in 10 mins.

  • +1

    It sounds like your abs rings/sensors are either dirty or not seated/positioned correctly and when you are braking and nearly at a stop (wheels rotating slowly) the ABS is not sensing rotation (sensing wheel lock up) and is kicking in. The two fixes might be: 1) if work has been recently done to the car around the abs sensor area, such as CV's, suspension, brakes, etc., take it back to the workshop and ask them to check it out or 2) if no work has been recently done and you know what the ABS rings and sensors look like, rotate the wheels to check for damage to the ABS ring (no cracks or teeth missing) and degrease and wash the abs rings and sensor thoroughly to remove all grease/dirt. There's a lot on the net about this. Here's one example from a quick search (different car but same issue):…

  • Could possibly be your rotors, but as ch
    cpho said above take it to the mechanic.

  • Thank you everyone for your great inputs. I took it to the mechanic to have it checked out again but strangely I couldn't 'make' it grumble again -.-" I tried all sorts - driving fast, slow, braking abruptly LOL but yea the noise seems to have gone for now - the power of Ozbargain XD

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