Looking for some advice here if there is anyone familiar with this area. I was reading this article
and they talk about a shortage in Internet Security personnel. Specifically they say "There are essentially a million jobs across the globe that can be filled but we don’t have trained people to fill them,” says Cisco’s Stewart. “We’ve got a dearth of talent and skills.”
A million jobs!? But the article isn't clear about just what jobs they are talking about.
I've been involved in the IT industry for a couple of decades and would like to expand my horizons and would be interested in doing some shortish courses to move in that direction. But the question is what courses? If I'm going to commit to additional training then I'd like to know that there is a good prospect of getting a job at the end of it.
So in summary I have two questions
- Which jobs are most in demand
- What would be a suggested training path to get one of these jobs?
Any suggestions are welcome.
I completed CISSP (isc2.Org) and it seemed to open a few doors. If you are working in IT already, try to get some security related experience on your CV, preferably from one of the security domains. Big employers of IT security people tend to be the vendors (CISCO Oracle IBM) or finance industry. Good luck.