This was posted 10 years 9 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Get 90% OFF - How to Cook The Perfect Steak eBook This Offer Is Only for OzBargain Now for $2.99


For a limited time our Complete eBook, “How to Cook the Perfect Steak” is just for 2.99 ( This offer is only for OzBargain Community )

Cooking “The Perfect Steak” is the Holy-Grail of grilling and something 99% of people never Master.

Today is your opportunity to share the secrets from some of the worlds leading Master-Chefs when it comes to cooking The Perfect Steak.

Now for the first time EVER you have the chance to learn the best secrets never before shared about How To Cook Steak Perfectly…

“Next time you’re cooking a steak for your family or friends, how do you want it to turn out, tough and tasteless or tender and delicious?”

You will learn:
How to select steak and avoid buying the wrong cut of meat
The biggest mistakes most people make when cooking steak (and let me tell you there are some doozies)
How to classify a Medium-Rare from a Medium or Medium-Well
And much, much more!
Once I mastered these skills, cooking The Perfect Steak was easier than I ever imagined.

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The Perfect Steak
The Perfect Steak

closed Comments

  • hmm i would expect some funny comments here.

  • +3

    This is free and no doubt a much better cooking process and outcome:

  • +1

    I don't think I've ever seen a $30 e-book before.

  • +2

    I prefer Heston Blumenthal's recipe…did I mention it's free?…

  • +2

    download the app from the guys from victorchurchill instead. Better than this.…

    • -1

      Our App will be online soon which is much better then this and it will be free not paid like you mentioned above. Looks like you promoting this App then having any good reason for -ve vote.

  • +1

    If only there were dozens of free ebooks and hundreds free youtube vidoes that taught me how to cook steak, then I wouldn't need to buy this still over priced item. Now for the Puns … this deal is a bit 'Raw' but at least the description was 'Well-done'

  • shouldn't it be the "holy grill of grilling"

  • -2

    Guys take it easy. We have been selling this eBook on all the platforms like Amazon and so many other places. All loved it and we get good feedback for the amount of effort and handwork has been put in to write this book. $2.99 is the cheapest you can get anywhere online and this deal is specifically for OzBargain.

    • +2

      I'm sure alot of effort & time went into the book, but its a simple case of how much better is this book compared to all the free/cheaper options available. Is there a money back promise "if you follow the instructions and your steak isn't perfect, we will refund your money"? Not to mention a perfect steak is probably different for every person.

    • We have been selling this eBook on all the platforms like Amazon and so many other places. All loved it and we get good feedback

      If only you would post only some links to only these only great feedback comments, I could only then believe your post was only for the benifit of only us OzBargainers. Also, if only you were not so much in love only with the word only.

    • +1

      Welcome to the harsh bargain wasteland that is OzB

      “Don't pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.”
      ― Andy Warhol

  • +1

    No deal unless it includes a free set of steak knives…(and cuts an old shoe in half, and randomly punches thru a watermelon)

  • How many +ve votes if I make this ebook free for today?

    • A move like this would satisfy said bargain hunger and little else

      Although we do appreciate the generosity and your substantial offering to the bargain gods

  • you guys can check how useful the ebook is and see all the grill charts with great content

  • Same book with the same description, $15.75 'paperback' on Amazon US and $10.59 on Kindle via Amazon Australia. And yes it has a money back guarantee.……

  • So as per usual the Aussie site has an inflated price.

    Now I feel like the steaks will give a similar after taste that Adobe give

    • -1

      The actual price of this ebook is $29 but for every website we have different deals.

      for OzBargain we still have the lowest price.

      everyone can check all the great reviews this book has got in last 3-4 years

  • -3

    we actually managed to sell some books with all these -ve votes and comments.

    Amazed to see there are people who value your hard work and willing to spend little money not just seek free goodies all the time.


  • +2


    1. Heat steak
    2. Turn steak
    3. Eat steak

    No charge…

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