Telstra BigPond Internet slow (again) for no reason

Help, my bigpond internet slowed down again. on account page shows everything ok, paid up to date, still plenty of data allocation, my anniversary date is 1st so only just refreshed a week ago.

and its not even to the usual 'crippled' speed of 12kbps, but to about 60kbps

similar thing happened last month but at different time of month, then righted itself again (miraculously)

son works in IT, suggested someone hacking my wifi?

or is telstra deliberately slowing down to save bandwith?

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  • Possibly congestion at the exchange?

  • You could just contact Telstra 24/7 to see if they can help you resolve it.
    I also doubt someone has hacked your wifi, unless you have a very easy password like "abc123", if you want to be certain then check the modem configuration page for a list of connected devices.

  • What sort of internet do you have? ADSL? Cable?

    As Kamui suggested above check your modem configuration page for your actual connected speed, then run a SpeedTest and make sure you're getting the same/similar result. Your configuration page will change depending on your model of modem, you may have to google the default gateway/password for this but if you goto (<Win7) Start>Run>Cmd or (Win8) Right-Click bottom right corner Run>Cmd then type: ipconfig the address the shows as your 'Default Gateway' is the address for your modem. You can then type this in a browser address bar for the configuration page.

    Do you have another phone point? Have you tried changing the phone point where the device is plugged into? Does this make any difference?

    Make sure you unplug any phones/devices(ie. foxtel) you may also plugged into other phone points to isolate the internet on its own for a truer result.

  • Not too sure how 12kbps is faster then 60kbps… but I'm having the same problem with Telstra atm as well, I called them up earlier this week and they said that apparently my area is conjested and they are "fixing" the issue. Whether that is true or not i have no clue… either way if you live in the Kellyville NSW exchange area you might have that issue as well.

    I noticed that when the reset the connection on their end it gets a bit faster, give them a call about it.

  • Reboot your modem, see if that works. Otherwise, unless you can access your line stats, your only option is to ring Telstra.

  • Telstra sucks

    I have had ongoing cable internet dns faults since mid last year and I only just got them to agree that it was a problem between the pit outside and the exchange, like I had been saying since day one.
    Meanwhile they have had a dozen tech visits to the address wasting my time and costing me a days pay waiting around and replaced the modem several times.
    I have zero confidence that they will ever actually fix the problem.
    Tech told me that this is a system designed for the US but was too troublesome for them, so they sold it to us.

    Rant off.

  • My simple recommendations would be to:

    And while I'm here - I'm shelling out the maximum cable data package Telstra offers - I like the speed that I'm getting on it which is why I'm with the company. My question is, are there any other cable-based companies out there for me to look at once my two year contract with Telstra is over, or is Telstra the only company that offers cable.

    • Telstra owns the cable and until Malcolm Turnbull buys it from them, they're the only suppliers of internet access over their asset (unless you count Foxtel as an alternative supplier)

      • I thought so. Nothing we can do about that if we want cable, then.

  • Gotta admit, I tried to fix a friend's poor internet Bigpond connection once as they were only getting 56 kbps. I was shocked to find out the connection was fine, they were just in the shaping period. 64 kbps, you kidding me?

    I have no idea how they managed to rack up about 2GB in the shaping period.

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