This was posted 10 years 9 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Anova Precision Cooker (Sous Vide Circulator) US $145 Delivered on Kickstarter (Ships in October)


Includes free worldwide shipping!

Anova's new sous vide circulator has just been launched on Kickstarter. It's apparently even better (not to mention cheaper) than their current $200 model. The first review is available here on Serious Eats.

One of the cool new features is the ability to control it from your mobile device (iOS and Android confirmed). It will be available in 110 or 220 V and in black or white (I assume you get to specify which voltage and colour you want later on in the process - I didn't get any options when I checked out through Amazon).

The $99 ones are long gone, but I grabbed the $145 option (about $155 Australian). There are currently about 350 left at that price, after which it goes up to $149 for the next 1000 units, and then $159 for the rest.

Although this is technically a pledge, I think it can be effectively be thought of as a pre-order, since it's from a well-established company and has already passed the $500,000 mark in just over a day! If the Mods disagree and want to move it to the forums, then so be it.

Edit: It's now up to $149.

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Anova Culinary
Anova Culinary

closed Comments

  • +2

    lucky i procrastinated for so long to buy the current model - i got in for this one at $129!

  • +8

    Retails at US$169.
    Too little saving on a product not yet in production, to make it worthwhile.

    • +3

      Yeah, just a bit too much risk for a product I might not receive in 5 months time.

      • +5

        The $145 pledge includes int'l delivery though. Current shipping to Oz for the Anova is $79! So you'd have to factor that into the final retail price too.

        (Maybe I'm just trying to justify my pledge as well :P)

        • That just makes me more worried. A blanket "free shipping across the world" has me worried they are trying to take too high a risk to get their business off the ground. Because that is what this exercise is for: generate minimum capital required to get it off the ground, not simply selling products. If they were absolutely sure they can provide the product they would simply sell it, with all consumer rights and guarantees included.

        • +5

          The business already is off the ground. It is a subsidiary of a company that makes lab equipment. They have their own manufacturing plant capable of injection moulding on a decent scale. They've already done a huge run of the first version of the sous vide unit, which got rave reviews all over the place.

          I suspect the use of kickstarter in this case is to help make the launch go viral and help provide cashflow for the upfront costs of getting the production line up and running. Even for an established business, the possibility of half a million dollars in cash up front is nothing to sneeze at.

    • It'll be 169 plus shipping (as opposed to 145 including shipping now). The previous model shipped for something like 80 AUD. So the saving might be closer to $100.

    • +1

      Just keep in mind you might have to pay shipping on top of that price, whereas the kickstarter is currently world wide free shipping.

  • +12

    It will never ship product on time. I learnt from my kickstater experiences.

    • +5


      It's important to mention for those unfamiliar that Kickstarter is used by companies/individuals as "crowdfunding" platform for their good/services.

      You're essentially purchasing an investment with a possibility of a return. It's enticing because In most cases they're offering a new product early and at a cheaper retail price.

      I've backed about 7 projects on Kickstarter. Only 1 or 2 were delivered on time. Others took months later and the quality of them was not what was promised. I have one project that was meant to be delivered in March last year. I doubt I'll ever see it as all the comments indicate the developer has taken the money and ran.

      Just because you've paid for it - does not guarantee you'll get it. Personally, I would wait pay that little extra and wait for a retail release.

      • True but I'd call it more a donation rather than investment.

    • +1

      Most kickstarter projects are from brand new companies that have limited experience, shaky relationships with manufacturers and no capital. The opposite is true in this case.

  • +1

    Just FYI, they already have a model out that has been selling well

    they've taken the feedback from the old model and are making the new updated model with extra features
    Probably the best value for money sous vide out there

    managed to snag a founders club level

    amazing piece of kit

  • how weird, I saw this on Gizmag only moments ago

  • Been wanting to play with one of these for a while. Nice looking price and gear. Thanks

  • Does anyone have any ideas how well it compares to the Nomiku?

    • +2

      most reviews state that the anova and sanseire (sp?) are superior to the nomiku.

      and as some people have already mentioned, the real bargain in this is the free int shipping. that turned me off buying one until now.

      • Cool, thanks.

  • Nice…phone….on the picture

  • I own 2 of the current model circulators and they are fantastic. this is a bargain!

  • As cool as this looks, I find it really hard to stomach devices and appliances that are controlled by phones (iPhone controlled door locks bother me the most). For me, kitchen appliances are something that you spend good money on hoping to get minimum 10 years out of. Who is still going to be using an iOS or Android device in 5 years, let alone 10 years?

    Saying that, still looks like a very cool design, and it appears that it might work without a phone. Personally I'll stick to my homebrew (as in beer) temperature controller connected to the slow cooker.

    • +2

      will definitely work without the need of the phone. the video shows there is manual adjustment of temp via the scroll wheel

      • The phone control is over Bluetooth - i.e. you need to be within walking distance of the cooker - so it's just an add-on gimmick.

        WiFi would be handy, though, just to know if the thing was still working.

  • +3

    so its a $145 usd temperature controlled boiler?

    • +1

      with bluetooth

      • +3

        Everything's better with bluetooth.

    • +1

      it also circulates the water. that's critical

    • +2

      Yep - and my espresso machine is a glorified kettle.

      If you are not across what these things do, it's probably not relevant to your interests. Anyone who wants to sous vide on the other hand, would probably find this very interesting

    • And circulator. Buying the components from China and knocking one together yourself wouldn't be that much cheaper (I've tried).

  • Thanks OP.. scored for $145

    I've been dying to try out sous vide but balked at the wasteful use of plastic bags. I looked everywhere for a way around it but there just isn't, so I'll just put up with it :p

    • Ziploc bags work, bonus points for being washable… However nothing beats the convenience of vacuum packing stuff though!

      I've actually ordered a dev kit so I'll be getting a prototype in August. See what I can build!

      • Sous Vide is french for 'under pressure'. Technically, if you're not using vacu-sealing for your cooking, it's not actually sous vide anyway.

        And you have to watch out as not all zip-lock bags are actually heat proof.

        • +3

          'under vacuum' actually.

      • I considered going for the dev kit too but there was no mention of whether it would be 240v

  • wish i got in for $99…bargain!!!

    got in at $145 this morning.

  • -6

    It's kickstarter, not even a preorder.

  • Am I the only one who doesn't know what this is? O.o

    • You don't watch enough coming shows

      • +3


      • +4

        oops, that should be cooking. Coming shows are another thing entirely…


      It does the heating and circulating. You provide the vessel and the plastic

      • +1

        It does the heating and circulating. You provide the vessel and the plastic

        That sounds like a pick up line. A very dirty one.

    • A posh boil-in-the-bag thingy.

      • U mean kind of like that thing that mom gave us for our anniversary and that u sold on gumtree?

        • I'm no expert but I think this one just heat, circulate and keep the water at a constant temperature. The other was an actual sous-vide oven :more expensive but more energy efficient than this one.

          Edit: Are these the only differences between this circulator and a breville sous-vide supreme?

        • +2

          an actual sous-vide

          the sous vide supreme isn't the "actual" or "proper" sous vide…

          immersion circulators are "the real thing" - they are what restaurants use for sous vide. professional immersion circulators are way more expensive than the sous vide supreme.

          the sous vide supreme was made as the cheaper home consumer alternative to a "proper" immersion circulator. they removed the "circulation" to make it cheaper to produce, and heated through the vessel instead. it was the first "affordable" sous vide for the consumer market.

          however, anova (and other companies) have now found a way to make immersion circulators cheaper. that is why the anova is cheaper than the sous vide supreme - not because the sous vide supreme is a superior product.

          this one just heat, circulate and keep the water at a constant temperature.

          and the sous vide supreme "just" heats (not as quick as an immersion circulator) and keeps the water at a constant temperature (not as uniformly as an immersion circulator)…so the anova "just" does more things, and "just" does them better! ;)

          Edit: Are these the only differences between this circulator and a breville sous-vide supreme?

          the anova will heat quicker and provide a more uniform temperature due to the circulation (with the sous vide supreme, the temperature will vary slightly between different parts of the water). it also takes up less storage space, assuming you already own an appropriate vessel.

          the sous vide supreme has the benefit of quieter operation…and it probably looks nicer on the bench! :)

        • Does the pot for these devices need to be constantly monitored? A lot of evaporation will occur if it's not fully insulated without a lid. In a restaurant environment i'm sure that's fine but if you want to set and forget isn't that problematic? Seems like a great product at a great price but if this kind of cooking goes mainstream this will be a pretty standard price. Can't quite upvote this as it's at least 5 months away

        • +1

          The sous vide technique is used to cook at low temperatures (lower than boiling - if you're at the point of boiling you don't need a sous vide!) so evaporation isn't as drastic as you're probably imagining.

          how long you can leave it unattended, I'm not sure…i imagine someone has done testing, but it would depend on the pot.

  • There are cheaper ways to sous vide. One involves using an esky. Just look it up on YouTube

    • Yeah, but a sous-vide device that's not heating food to the correct temperature is the perfect environment for lethal food poisoning.

    • The alternatives are a bit of a pain, given that in some applications a difference of 1 degree can make a difference… and given in some applications you want to keep the water at temp for multiple hours.

  • +2

    Anyone worried about the BPA from the plastic bag?

    • +3

      You supply the bags, so just buy ones that don't use BPA.

    • +1

      Yeah i was going to post the same thing.

      It isn't just BPA either. Phthalates leach more as the temperature increases. Some of the alternatives to BPA have also been found to be dangerous.

      Ziplock brand bags claim to be free of phthalates and BPA but say you cant put them in boiling water. This is near boiling so i have no idea on the safety of it. I wouldnt risk it.

      • Most meats are actually cooked at 62degrees or lower. the higher the temp the shorter the cooking time but changes the texture.

    • Ah - Endocrine disruptors - such a big list, including but not least 'feminisation' and for all almost do it for your selfs, the esky,a beer drum, and for those of us have eaten old cold pizzas, botulism.

      But like all things it is the skill of the user and the quality of the tools.

      Tell me can you hear anything from the bags while cooking. "In sous vide, no one can hear you scream. I think I have been watching too many SBS B movies and Alien.

  • Yeah, I got in last night for the $99 tier. Just checked it and boy has it filled out quickly!
    As above, the free shipping worldwide offer was the clincher… Too much stuff on Kickstarter/Indiegogo that are killed by hefty shipping costs.
    Can't wait to see what the stretch goals are.

  • I'm getting the lobster soul ready in anticipation…

  • -5

    Australia is facing an obesity epidemic and the most popular shows on TV are My Kitchen Rules and MasterChef.

    Le sigh.

    • +5

      i don't watch these shows, and i'm not defending them, but surely encouraging good, home-cooked food is better for the obesity epidemic than fast food and pre-prepared frozen meals?

      personally, i think fostering a food culture and an interest and knowledge in food, is a good thing. and if people are going to get fat, i'd rather they get fat on good food, rather than crap! :)

      • The primary cause of obesity is overconsumption of food, not eating any certain type of food. Obese people typically have eating habits similar to an addiction. These people need a lifestyle change involving the elimination of eating as a reward, source of pleasure and achievement.

        Sitting down and watching TV programs glorifying food and ads selling food promotes food addiction.

        • +2

          The primary cause of obesity is overconsumption of calories. While your point about psychology of reward-eating is accurate, its also true that most obese people didn't become obese by eating buckets of garden salad. It was by rewarding themselves with burgers, chocolate bars and chips. Of course teaching an obese person to cook won't solve the problem, but a change in lifestyle will involve eating less crap and more veggies and wholesome food. France and Japan, both of which have food-obsessed cultures to a much greater extent than Australia have far lower rates of obesity. The difference is partially due to portion sizes and partially due to the fact that people with developed palates and food knowledge tend to have more balanced diets and prefer to eat fresh produce.

  • +6

    Regression has more precision than ANOVA.


  • There is no way this will be released on time. They've been overwhelmed. Almost 5 times their target and 40 days to go.

    • If they've been overwhelemed they wouldn't have put all those early bird tiers on the list.

  • It's 135USD now???

    • Looks like $135 pledge has run out. Seems 149USD (including shipping) is the cheapest available (only 26 left).

  • +1

    I just bought the two for $259 deal. It seemed the best value.

    • yeah, that's the best deal if you know someone else that wants one (or i'm sure you'll be able to sell the other one for at least how much you paid, if not more).

      i switched mine to the surf and turf deal with a friend.

      • I can't see $259 deal. I can see $249 but it doesn't include international shipping, must add $30.

        EDIT: Ah I see, the $229 + $30 shipping

    • Thanks for pointing that one out!
      I've just switched to the 2-pack as well.

  • +1

    I can hardly wait. I was so disappointed with the specs on the breville and the sunbeam, in so far as the circulation goes. It is pointless without circulation. These are the style they use at restaurants, just clip it onto your tub and away you go.

  • Yay its upgraded to stainless fairing

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