Discount, and then further discount, betrayal!

Hi Guys,

I recently bought a MacBook Air (the newly launched version) from Dick Smith after receiving their 10% discount newsletter on Saturday. The item arrived on Tuesday and overall I am happy with this experience.

I read another Dick Smith newsletter about a 12% discount today. This summons back a haunting memory of a similar experience I had with a Kogan purchase (more discount the next day after I bought a few items)!

I felt betrayed by the 12% newsletter and I am asking for emotional support from your guys by sharing similar stories so that I can feel better. If you can share how you avoid this kind of mistake, that would be even better.

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan


  • I recently snapped up a copy of Grand Theft Auto V for my recent PS3 purchase/upgrade all thorugh eBay. Was rather chuffed I won it at $40 delivered.

    Then this happened. I fought hard on that eBay auction. This just pained me.

    • +9

      Eh, it's Fishpond. You might well get an email in 8 weeks saying it is out of stock and a refund.

  • I've had this happen on the lead up to birthday parties. I like to get the Allens and Natural company bags of lollies at either $2 per bag or at the half price mark of $1.42 per bag. I look out for specials a month before each party and usually take the first special from either Coles or Woolworths.

    I've been burnt a couple of times by buying the bags at $2 each only to find them at half price the following week. I know this isn't as much price difference as an electronic device like the one above but I like paying as little as possible for my groceries so I still feel bad on missing out on a bargain.

  • I booked a hotel for my parents last week and I searched around for a few sites, including OzBargain. I ended up booking with a link from an old OzBargain post I had bookmarked as it the hotel was $30 cheaper.

    The day after I booked it, I was searching hotels again for someone else. Once again, I checked on OzBargain, but this time used a different search term. This time, I found I could have saved $60 the other day, not only $30. Oops :(

  • +5

    With some retailers, you can call them and they may give you a credit for the difference if the time frame is pretty close.

  • -1

    A whole 2% different, wow.

    If it concerns you that much, you probably shouldn't be buying an Apple product in the first place.

  • +2

    You accept it and move on.

    Bargain hunting is much like investing, you win some here, lose some there, as long as you're getting things for good prices, you can't go wrong.

  • I'm usually ok about this, but I ordered from BigW clearance last week, and they haven't shipped my order yet, but today have put further mark downs on some items.
    I reckon in this case I will ask for the extra discount.

    • if they haven't received your payment, i guess you'll have a case

  • 28 degrees price protection?

  • Dick smith has a 7 day price match guarantee, tell them the store you want to match is dick smith :p

    I have done it with no problems on speakers.

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