Hey all,
I have a fairly popular YouTube channel and I cover a lot of motorsport events around the country with videos regularly getting 100k+ views. Over the past 12 months or so I have been getting hit with copyright notices on my videos for music that can be heard in the background during the event. Ranging from 2 seconds up to about 10 seconds, none of this audio is overlayed by me nor do I actually want it in my videos..not that I can help it as it's through the venues P.A system (who of which don't pay royalty's to even play it legally)
It really hit a nerve when I was covering a event live with round 5,500 people watching live YouTube cut it off as it picked up audio in the background.. you could barely hear it at the event let alone on the live stream. No warning at all, just off. Since have moved to another platform but still a pain with the change over.
The second nerve was hit this morning when it happened again, but a video that had roughly 2.5M views and gaining around 30-50k per day. Instead of getting a warning YouTube has now re-monitised the video 100% to the copyright owner (rough prices are 40k hits = $100AUD)..
Problem here is that one, the matched audio isn't even in the video and when I attempt to dispute the claim I get an error… So my video is earning false income for somebody and there isn't a thing I can do about it!
I feel for you.. trying to make an honest living making content. Is it possible to get a better microphone that only picks up your voice/content? It seems some people are claiming copywrite even when there is none of their content in there - if they get a cut 1% of the time its still a lot of money. Meanwhile they are wasting your time that could be monetized. Scum.