(Edit: For more information about Bell Carroll, please see the following website — About Bell Carroll Pty Ltd)
Now i know there were offers posted by the BellCarroll rep however they have all been removed and bring up "Access denied" messages.
I have also received an email from the company
BellCarroll to sue Google Seven Network and Webfirm
Recently it came to the attention of Belcarroll that our good name was seriously defamed.
Upon further research it became apparent that the search engines were carrying this defamatory content across cyberspace.
On Friday BellCarroll requested the search engines to desist from this and the result appears to be that BellCarroll's rankings in the search engines have dropped to nothing.
Free speech and the protection of the innocent and vulnerable is at stake and it appears to BellCarroll that not only are they NOT being protected from defamatory content but are being penalised for having the audacity to question large businesses about their behaviour.
On Friday BellCarroll served notice to the search engines to cease publishing this defamatory content.
So far they have not complied.
I know the rep lost his temper here a few times and things were said which would not make for good advertising but are the two things related?
I cannot find anything on google/yahoo7 which are defamatory toward BellCarroll
Maybe your definition of "defamatory" is different from his?
Very interesting statement he made, consider the comments he made on OzBargain. BellCarroll has been banned on OzBargain because of the posts and comments are against our terms & conditions of use.
I will refrain from commenting on this any further because for me the issue is still on-going.