This was posted 10 years 10 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[QLD] KFC Nine Original Recipe Pieces for $9.95 - Tuesday's Only


I know this deal has been around for a while but this is just a friendly reminder that it’s still going strong here in QLD, don’t know about other states. For too long I’ve witnessed people ordering something else in KFC on Tuesday other than 9 pieces and it’s just a travesty and mutiny. What is this sorcery, seriously? This has got to stop. Words cannot describe my pain and suffering every time this happens. This is 9 pieces of succulent colonels recipe chicken for $9.95. NINE PIECES! Not one, not twice, not thrice or 6, its NINE! To put it into perspective, it’s like half price if I do the maths. Just think about it for one second. Think about one piece of that delicious, mouth watering crispy chicken and wait a second… now think about NINE OF THOSE PIECES!!!

To let you people know how good of a bargain this is, I’m willing to share my experience about how this KFC 9 pieces deal changed my life. This is not only for my own sense of pride and satisfaction but also in the hope that other chicken lovers know, there is still faith in humanity. Also just letting you know, I am not associated with any work relating to chicken. My ozbargain name “cheapchickentuesday” is just a tangible name that I can hold onto, so I can express to others my loyalty and love of eating cheap chicken on Tuesday (Tuesday is also chicken day to me and I have to eat it). This is my story. One mans story of how chicken and I became one…

I awake on Tuesday morning, my mouth salivates at the thought of those chicken pieces (especially the skin ^_^). Just picturing those pieces of chicken give me the warm fuzzys. I’ve never felt so safe and warm as I do when I think about KFC chicken, it’s like if I was in danger then it wouldn’t matter because the colonel would protect me with his secret recipe. Those flavours mixing never separate, swirling in a clockwise direction and then swirling in all directions in and around my mouth. Sometimes I get caught just day dreaming about it while I look outside my window. Maybe this is just a symptom of loving chicken too much but can we really ask ourselves if such a thing exists? How much do we really know about ourselves, who we are, the universe, our purpose in life, if we can’t eat the things we love? Think about it…

That magical shining bucket of KFC sign being perched above the store so gracefully for all to see, is like a beacon of hope in this unforgiving world. It is the light of my life, my first unborn baby and my childhood dreams and aspirations all rolled into pieces of chicken that are deep fried and smothered with herbs and spices. Words tremble from my mouth when uttering the words “9 pieces” to the KFC cashier. I get all sweaty and hyperventilate a little bit before this but my gut feeling lets those magical words fly out of my mouth.

This is the reason I wake up on Tuesday. The moment my fingers caress that greasy KFC box full of chicken, it just makes me explode into tears of joy and happiness everytime. The anticipation of not knowing what type of pieces lie inside the mystery box, is just too much for me to bare. Will there be two wings? Three rib pieces? No wait maybe just one wing and many breast rib pieces? Who knows? What combination of pieces is it going to be?

Once inside, what is the best way to tackle this monstrosity of a greasy situation? Well for me, I Start with the drummy and I nibble my way through that. When that’s gone, I move on to a couple of breast/ rib parts and then a chicken wingy. Congratulations, you’re about half way there as I only consider that as really half a piece (I mean look at the surface area). Now I have a breather for a little bit, to give my insides some time to absorb all those nutritional benefits that fried chicken provide. The rest will pretty much guide itself down into your stomach.

That’s it! So be brave and also be aware of your surroundings at all times. If you’ve bought the 9 pieces just for yourself then you’ve already completed the hardest part :) You might be battered, bruised and rocking back and forth in the corner of your room but you’ll be glad you did. Remember, to not be afraid in the mountain of chicken in this box, It is the only obstacle in your way that stands between you and freedom. Thank you for reading and I hope I’ve been an inspiration to you all :)

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KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

  • +115

    Are you the store rep? You need a promotion.

    • +28

      I for one welcome our 9 piece fried chicken overlords.

    • +18

      Ok did anyones mouth actually water after reading all that, cause mine did lol

    • +1

      No, he is clearly the immaculately conceived love child of Tolstoy and Tolkien sent to invoke blessed secret herbs and spices olfactory hallucinations on those not in fortunate enough to live in Queensland.

  • +31

    +'ve for effort and dedication to this glorious food.

    • +50

      KFC in the 70s-80s was glorious. This is …meh. I still eat it, but its meh. Same with Maccas. Or I was kid, and like all things, everything was better years ago.

      I remember when Wagon Wheels were huge. You could fit them to a GT :P

      • My mates mum said the same thing. I'm too young to have eaten it back then, but she said it was actually crispy back then and not soggy. Still tastes good!

      • +5

        KFC in the 1900's was amazing.

        • I fondly remember seeing Colonel Sanders himself in the Wagon-Thru window.

        • They changed the oil to a non bad one apparently.

    • +1

      +1 for the description

      may the deal give you many years of chickeny goodness to come

    • +47

      Comments must be constructive. Anything else is called spam.

      Also, +ve for the efford OP!

    • +11

      just negged a spam post.

    • It is the nature of the content rather than just the length of the post that makes something SPAM. It is like calling a stupid and pointless post Trolling when it really it might just be stupid.

    • +3

      indeed…do you normally go see comedians and if they just do short one liners are happy… any of those that ramble on with 'humour' you just yell out 'SPAM'

      • It is the nature of the contents of the tin that makes it SPAM. Would a can labelled by any other name taste just as processed?

  • That's dedication 'cough' obsession - lol

  • +6

    As i said in the post, i am not associated with the store in anyway. This is a promotion thats been going on for a while but is just a friendly reminder. walk into your store and they should have it near the menu.

  • +18

    Might I suggest a visit to the gym/doctor, you obviously spend too much time writing crap and eating KFC.

    • +12

      Perhaps you meant writing KFC and eating crap?

      • +6

        Or eating KFC and taking a crap? Due to eating too much KFC?

        • +2

          Or maybe that's just what is "produced" when you eat too much KFC?

  • +14

    It would be better value if they used normal sized chickens - the local KFCs I haved visited seemed to be mistaking quails for chickens :p

    • +1

      I also noticed the difference in size. Taste seem to vary too. Some stores better seasoned.

      Great taste when made correctly.

      • +2

        Yes - have to agree that taste varies from store to store which is strange since it all should be based on a standard formula. Maybe some of the franchises are trying to stretch their herbs and spices a little further by using less or cutting the mixture with a little extra flour.

        Anyway, I travel a little further now to go to a store where the taste is better.

        • +2

          It's all in the cook.. because the ingredients come in 3 different packets and mixed in a big lug by hand, if not done correctly it makes all the difference! There is a standard method, but as it's all done by hand, there is some skill in producing good chicken!

        • Does that really make it that crap?

          The crap ones seem to be making the exact same mistake. Consistently across stores. All a weird burnt dark brown colour.

          Thus, it's either really good or really crap. Never seen any in between.

        • All that means is that the cook isn't changing oil often enough or not filtering it every night. It shouldn't happen as the managers are meant to check but when systems break down it's normally the whole chain that does.

    • Hahahaha that was good! It's true it does vary by store, some stores will have bigger pieces than others. Dont know why, a friend used to work at a kfc and she didnt know either, it seems its just the luck of the draw as to the pieces the stores receive from ingham, steggles, or whoever itvis that week. Shr says Kfc have more than one supplier, and it makes sense as a failsafe due to the large volume they go through, in case something goes wrong with a supplier they dont want to be stuck with no chicken

      In the food industry the consensus seems to be that ingham chicken is better, so explains the better taste if youre lucky enough to get an ingham piece!

  • +17


    • +36

      TLDR edition

      OP ate 9 pieces of fried chicken, got heart attack and attained Nirvana.

  • Glorious, Glorious post.

    The golden brown chicken delivered directly from the heavens.

  • Gave you +ve for the amount of effort required to write that description!

  • -6

    Calm down.

  • +2


    Unless you put in a kindle ebook.

    • Free Kindle eBook!

  • +2

    Bought this maybe three times. The last time it was horrible. Burnt oil or something, the whole chicken smelt burnt and disgusting. [Tasted alright though…]

    • Burnt oil… That must be it!

      But i disagree, tastes like [excrement].

  • +4

    I don't think it is still running in VICTORIA… do there?

    • Yeah I don't think so either

    • +10

      $9.95 plus P&H.

    • +1

      Nope, no go in VIC.

      This listing needs state in title and is a dupe anyway.

    • Not, so how do we go about getting it running again? I don't want to miss out… Maybe I'll just have to move to QLD until it happens.

      • Don't worry. We're probably getting the other states left overs refried… Thus the complaints about quality.

        It is QLD we are talking about.

    • No, I tried for this last week in Melbourne and they said it has finished.

  • +2

    Well, looks like my IBS will erupt again this Tuesday night..

    Thanks op!

  • +16

    There should be a new OzBargain award created – Best Monologue Ever – and it should be given to you.

    • +4

      Thank you, im just happy to inspire you all towards glory :)

  • -6

    "This is the reason I wake up on Tuesday. The moment my fingers caress that greasy KFC box full of chicken, it just makes me explode into tears of joy and happiness everytime."


  • +ve for effort!

  • Link to deal? Is it only available on a Tuesday?

  • +5

    Did you mistake ozbargain for tumblr?

  • -3

    OP is either a really skinny person who is able to burn heaps of calories or a fat Albert lol - either way, eating KFC every Tuesday is probably not the best life choice… lol

    • +4

      downvoted by fattys

  • +5

    Where is JV? Thought he would be all over this in a jiffy

    • JV IS the Colonel reincarnate. This post has summarised everything the Colonel goes through every morning of every day so no more words are necessary.

  • +3

    This makes me really feel like a nice footlong from Subway…


  • haha funny

  • +36

    I went to KFC last Tuesday and the guy in front of me asked for 5 pieces of chicken. The store lady said "Do you want 9 pieces for $9 instead? It is cheaper than buying 5 pieces". The guy replied, "Nah I just want 5 pieces" and ended up paying about $15.

    • +5

      Did he state the 5 pieces he wanted? All thighs? All drumsticks? All chicken boobies? The 9 piece is a set combination.

      Was he a tits or legs man?

      • Nope, he just asked for 5 pieces of original.

    • +31

      what kind of an ozbargainer are you? you should have just jumped in front of him and said hey I'll give u 5 pieces for $10 - then order the 9 pieces - eat 4 yourself as PROFIT!!!

      • +5

        He'll just say "Nah, I want five pieces for $15. I don't wanna pay $10 for five."

        • +1

          Well he was in BMA high-vis uniform, so he still would have ordered the 5 for $15, even if I asked.

      • Should've asked for the other 4 pieces and the $5.05 refund

    • +9

      He's funding our bargain, don't tell him!

    • Maybe he just doesn't want to waste food.

    • +1

      I guess eating too much KFC shrank his brain cells…

    • Should have sold him the 9 for $9.95 and kept the left over 4 pieces for herself. win win situation.

    • If I find out he has an ozbargain account, I will report him!

  • -1


  • -1

    double post, woopsie

    • +16

      You duped a dupe. You can't do that, it's like dividing by zero.

  • +1

    You know what someone should do?
    2014: Buy a 9 Piece for $9.95 and weigh with some scales
    2024: Buy a 9 Piece for $9.95 and weigh/compare
    I bet you $100 the weight of those chicken pieces would've decreased 30% minimum.

    • +6

      With ~3% inflation each year between now and 2014, if we were paying the same price for 9 pieces of chicken it seems fair that we'd receive about 30% less.

      • Wicked wings 3-pack use to cost $1.95 in 2005. Now its costs about $4.

    • By 2024 it will cost you the $100 to buy the 9 pieces of chicken.. and still probably be posted on Ozbargain as a deal at that price :-)

      • +3

        A rise in the CPI of 25% p/a…. I would hate to be still living here :(

        • so long as my pay increases at that rate every year until 2024 (& beyond) :D

        • Better start investigating that uk/german/french/swedish/italian… heritage. We may need to get our EU passport and get out of here… pronto!

  • +1


  • +1

    You forgot the best part of the bargain - Buy 3, get a free heart attack!

    • +2

      Quick, claim your free heart attack before Medicare Co-Payment kicks in.

      • +1

        thats $6 I dont wanna spend

        damn you tony!

        • Could be up to $15, yikes!

    • +1

      "Matter o' fact, I (nearly) got it now"

  • +1

    KFC 11 Secret Herbs & Spices = Flour, Water, Salt, Black Pepper & MSG

    • At some stage you need to add some sort of red coloured additive.. I'm going to go paprika as a minimum as we all pretend that KFC really does have 11 secret herbs/spices… because you don't argue with the colonel. So we're over the half way mark… :)

    • You can buy the coating mix at any greek deli, my mother has been buying it for the past 30 years, it's pretty close to the colonel's recipe, not so secret after all

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