Walking through the office the other day I spotted a fellow OzBargainer toiling away over the website and via his mobile phone.
Ever spotted an OzBargainer in the wild?

I hope that was his work mobile phone OP… don't wanna use your own credit!
Yeah, every time I see my family.
My little brother fronted up at mums one day, arms full of knives (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/104264).
I got this (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/75876) for Christmas from my mum one year.
My brother got an OzBargain t-shirt (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/112174?page=1#comment-1548…) for his birthday from me…hahaha…We have to email each other to check we aren't doubling up on stuff sometimes.
I was on the bus to the city the other day (UNSW to Sydney CBD) and the dude in front of me was browsing a website on his phone. The site featured a familiar orange theme so I peeked and confirmed my suspicion.
That must be an awesome feeling, where someone visits your site!
Did you ever have random people pointing out the positive/negatives of Ozbargain, unknowingly speaking to you, the owner?
Couple guys at my work visit it at least, possibly more than i know.
A friend of mine is an OzBargainer, though he doesn't know I'm one.
Walked through the shops with the Ozbargain shirt on.
I feel like Wally from wearing that…Sadly I have not seen a wild Ozbargainer (aside from that DSE gaming sale).
With the recent 30% Good Guys offer I think I saw one come to pick up his bargains at the same time as me at O'Connor WA.
Higher chance of meeting one queuing up to buy a deal that has just been posted.
I was behind one at Dick Smith last year when they sold Macbook Airs for under $1000, as he related the story afterwards in the forums.
My wife is an ozbargainer too. It happened a couple of times , where someone or more often a group of asian teenagers would come up to her and say "OMG! you're the ice-cream chick! The one from ozbargain!" LOL
Merged from Have u ever met an ozbargainer in the wild?
I read somewhere that ozbargain is in the top 25 visited australian websites. That combined with the fact I’ve been using ozbargain maybe ten years, makes me think I should have met a real life ozbargainer in the wild. But I haven’t.
Sometimes I’ve been picking up a deal posted here and I’ve mentioned to other people there to grab the same thing ‘oh did you see this on ozbargain?’ hoping to meet some ozbargain royalty but I’m always met with confused looks.
So, have u ever run into an ozbargainer in the wild? How did it go? Do you now upvote all their deals and comments because you have a special bond? Who was it?
Poll: Have u ever met an ozbargainer in the wild?
Yes all the time at my local reject shop when we line up for the sale on Finish dishwasher tablets.
Really? How do u know? Do u ask them? Is it the Xiaomi backpack that gives it away?
I always wear my OzBargain 10 Year tshirt.
A couple of times on public transport. I only have a quick glance at their phone but never bothered striking up a conversation.
I would 100% ask. Imagine if u were sitting next to one of the big names here. Would be so cool to put a face to the name/initials
That's what meetups are for 😉
Sounds like you have been shadow banned in real life, where no other OzBargainer can spot you.
Anyone who I ever served when working in David Jones in the Sydney CBD stores ;)
I saw a guy looking through the trash the other day for goodies - must of been planning to resell. Definite Ozbargainer.