I am in need of some ideas of cheaply frosting some glass windows and doors for privacy.
I have come across this http://lifehacker.com/399731/increase-your-privacy-with-16-d… but I am having trouble finding what they use here in Australia (like the same product in a different brand like Dulux etc…) Does anyone know what that is?
Also some people over the internet are using epsom salt and goes to a frosted look when its dry, but would easily wipe off, would it benefit spraying over the top once it is dry, a gloss clear enamel to seal?
I would like something that one day is able to be peeled or scraped off easily as we are renting, and looking at the cost of window films and the sizes they come in, I believe one of the above ideas is cheaper and easier.
Does anyone have any other great ideas I could use?
You can buy a spray on glass frosting product.
We used it and it was fine. It wore off eventually but it was ok for awhile.