This was posted 10 years 10 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare PC Pre-Order $50.99 at OzGameShop


Newly announced Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, seems like a good price for a pre order

The emailed said limited time launch offer, so the price might be going up in a few days

PS4/Xbox One $71.99
PS3/Xbox 360 $64.99…

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closed Comments

  • +1

    That was quick… considering the trailer was only leaked yesterday.. and then forced to official release the trailer.

    • +2

      This is just to catch the early suckers

  • Another one already? How many CoD games does that make it now?

    • This many

      Depends where you start counting from and how many SKU's you include.

  • +1

    This will redefine the multiplayer genre again!

    • +1

      Kevin spacey was the only good thing i saw. Then i thought the rest was just a titan fall trailer.. wall climbing, double jumps, pulling things out of vehicles and seeing through walls mechanics.

      CoD peaked right before the guys from respawn left. Learnt this the hard way when i bought ghosts.

      • I learnt this when I bought MW3. MW2 was, to me, the last good CoD and was made even better by alterIW.

      • +2

        Call of Duty: House of Cards

        or as Reddit calls it, House of CODS

        ANyway this game is basically Call of Duty: Crysisfall

  • got mine, thanks for sharing…

  • +5

    Preordering a game 7 months early…what's the point.

  • Two things:

    1) Ozgameshop charge you NOW instead of when it ships; and

    2) Battlefield 4 (on PC anyway) is heaven. Who needs COD anymore ;-)

    • +6

      Battlefield 4 (on PC anyway) is heaven? No. Just no.

  • +1

    Call of Duty 11: House of Titanfall

    • House of CrysisFall

  • +1
  • Time to reel in some suckers. COD directors are rubbing their hands. *Tips fedora

  • I was actually pretty interested in the trailer yesterday. Never owned a COD game before, but if it greatly reflects what was shown in the trailer (a slim chance, I know), I'd consider picking it up.

    • Never owned a COD game before

      My opinion of you just shot up astronomically.

      I can also proudly say I have not touched the COD franchise with a 10ft pole, nor ever played WoW.

      • My opinion of you just shot up astronomically.

        Gee, thanks ;-)

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