System is fitted in a VT commodore, does anyone have any experience with getting them removed? Or how much is the average charge to get them removed from a mechanic? Not too comfortable fiddling with those things myself.
Price to get LPG conversion removed?
LBocksman on 01/05/2014 - 16:07
Tank may be out of date and not worth carrying around in the boot if it can't be used. :)
You can get the out of date systems re-certified. Cost I heard was around $200 but I don't have direct knowledge.
I just prefer running the car on petrol and need the bootspace. Is it the kind of job someone can do themselves?
Tank is not a risk if its not used, cheaper just to leave it in there.
Up until now it hasn't been. But I need the bootspace
Yeah leave them in there and re-test/certify the tank when it runs out of the 10 years period.
Would be easiest/cheapest to just remove the tank and bypass the switch.
That way it would also be relatively cheap to re-fit, if/when Petrol prices rise.
I presume you just want/need more boot space? Otherwise, why remove at all?