I missed this one as I didn't notice this deal before so I went to Priceline ($24.95 for the vaccine) for the flu shot. GP wanted to charge me $28 for the vaccine plus $75 rip-off consultation fees.
Free Flu Shot at Terry White Chemists Chatswood Chase NSW

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Sorry, I am not sure. I was just passing by the shop and saw it.
You should have asked, usually the vaccine is charged for.
I just called them to confirm that it is indeed free (includes the vaccine). Not sure about medicare card thing though as the girl said the vaccination is administrated by the medical centre next door. I was given this telephone number 02 8208 8886 to make the booking. I checked the number and found this website http://my-health.com.au/our-locations/chatswood/
Maybe they have excess/expiring and thought they would do them free instead of throwing them away.
Pharmacies get credits for expired stock, so this is not the case
Isn't cold and flu part of a natural occurrence? Our body is adapting to the changes of weather? I mean I get it every year. All I do is take a few tablets, rest well and drink warm water and I get well the next 2 or 3 days. Its OK to get sick once in a while :)
Its OK to get sick once in a while
A cold might be fine, but the flu can be quite dangerous for people with asthma or the elderly…
"Now we know"
"And knowing is half the battle"-G.I Joe-
And those around them need to be careful as well. Vaccination limits the vectors for the virus. I got mine today not for myself, but to protect my father with CPOD.
Isn't cold and flu part of a natural occurrence? Our body is adapting to the changes of weather?
A cold or flu is not caused by the weather.
I've got the flu and it's put me out of work for 4 days already.
I recommend getting it.
Out of Work for 4 days!? Come to me flu!
So it wasn't a flu-by-night then?
A cold is completely different to the flu. Colds are pretty easy to battle through. The influenza virus is ok for the young and healthy but can kill the older and those with medical conditions.
"rest well and drink warm water", wow such genius advice..
$25 at other Terry White shops, or free if you're over 65
http://www.terrywhitechemists.com.au/healthprograms/index/de…Want a really bad dose of the flu that will almost kill you? Come on down and get a flu shot :)
Thanks, just got it. Only took about 10mins including wait time. Didn't even need to book. The shot was administered by a nurse. Not sure if medicare was card although they did ask for the card.
Confirmed that a Medicare card is required.
They are open 9am-1pm Saturday and 10am-1pm Sunday.
Are you sure that includes the vaccine ?
We got ours done at the GP for $20… No consultation fee if it's done by the nurse instead of the doctor.