This was posted 10 years 10 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$100 Lifetime Website Hosting (ENDS MAY 31ST)


Not only is this deal back, it's cheaper!

Vzanda Designs is delighted to extend this Lifetime Website Hosting discount specifically created for OzBargain. The hosting package which is usually $400 is now only $100 for a limited time.

Lifetime Hosting means that your website(s) can be hosted as long as you want a for one time price of $100. The package comes with the benefit of addon domains so that you can host up to 3 websites.

Included in the Lifetime Hosting Package is:

  • 5 GB Disk space
  • 10GB Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Emails
  • Unlimited Databases
  • Unlimited FTP Accounts
  • 15 Parked Domains
  • 2 Addon Domains
  • cPanel (much more comprehensive and user friendly interface)
  • 300+ website scripts to personalise your site
  • Unlimited Support

*Users of this coupon also qualify for discounted Web Design rates.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Hi, I asked this last time but didn't get an answer, I was wondering what the uptime guarantee is? I'm sure it's on your site somewhere but I couldn't find it. And what happens if you break your uptime SLA? Sorry, been burned before.

    Where are the servers based?

    How long have your web hosting services been running at this capacity for? Just trying to get a sense of how long "forever" is likely to be before pulling the trigger.


    • Based on an IP trace the IP seems to point to servers in New York, cant confirm if this is where the servers are housed but that's where they all point, maybe OP can confirm?

  • I too have the same questions and concerns as the-mal…

  • +1

    I suspect a website hosted in Dropbox may have a longer lifetime.

    • Good morning muncan,

      Thank you for posting a link to that article. It was a very informative and interesting read.

  • Furthermore: what happens if i violate T&C? Is there limitations on CPU usage? How much would it cost to buy more space, bandwidth or addon domains in the future if needed?

    • +1

      The bandwidth is at 10GB but more can be arranged depending on your usage/requirements. There is no limitation on CPU usage.

      The pricing of additional space, bandwidth, etc would be based on specific your needs.

  • Hi the-mal and jeffo-8,

    This particular package is done through a reseller as it is the only way these prices can be offered. The uptime guarantee is 99.9% and a full refund is in order if this is broken. This particular service has been offered since 2007.

  • +1

    Man you guys are a bunch of whingers

    ive paid more with Dreamhost for a year than this $100 for a lifetime

    • Hi furythree,

      The pricing for hosting these days are a bit overboard which is why this offer exists. This special OzBargain offer is for those that are in need affordable hosting. All who have signed up so far have had nothing but good things to say about the service.

      • wasnt having a go at you

        was saying this is a good deal and everyone is being too pedantic

        • Hi furythree,

          We were just agreeing with your previous comment.

    • DreamHost does offer a lot more though and you don't have to stand that insufferable cPanel.

  • to cheap to be true

    • +1

      Hi mmcs,

      Welcome to the beauty of OzBargain. This offer is only for a limited time.

      • -3

        but you said lifetime ?

        • +1

          I think it's pretty obvious what is available.
          OzBargain has the offer as valid Until 31/05/2014 (Expires in 33 days)
          This means you can sign up for the offer available until 31st May.
          So, therefore, this offer is only for a limited time.

          The offer is Lifetime Website Hosting.

          Correct me if I'm wrong.

        • Hi there,

          You are correct. The offer is for lifetime website hosting. In 33 days, the price will no longer be $100.

  • Looks like a sweet deal, $20 better than the last!
    Tis lucky I was too busy to get back to it an purchase it at $120 :)

    Is SSH access included in this package deal too?

    • Sorry GreenHornet,

      No SSH access on this one.

    • Hi GreenHornet,

      Forgot to mention that it is available only by request.

      • what fees ( if any ) are involved with gaining SSH access?
        Can we also get wget or curl access?

        • There are no additional fees. CURL access is included.

        • +1

          sorry for the noob question but could you explain what SSH and CURL access are?

        • do we get access to create cron jobs?

        • SSH is secure shell. It is a command line interface to your account. You will need to understand some linux commands to fully utilise it. Recommended if you just want to play with linux and learn.

          CURL is Commandline URL. It is a command line tool used to download files referenced by a URL. Ust it to download internet files.

          hope this helps

          anticipating your next question
          cron is a tool to schedule jobs on a system so it can run at a set time.

          coupling SSH, cron and cURL together you can create a task to download the contents of a webpage at a set time.

        • Hi archhacker,

          Yes you do have access to create cron jobs via cPanel.

  • Am I able to change the domain name of the hosted web site myself and is there an additional fee for it? Will I have access to cPanel WHM?…

    • Hi alvian,

      You can add on two domain names to the account and they can can be changed by yourself as many times as you please free of charge. The main domain on the account has to be modified by us. The example in your link is geared towards web hosting managers. There is no additional fee to change the main domain once.

  • I just tried signing up and it says "Coupon usage limit has been reached." ??

    • Hi creamcookies,

      Apologies for the inconvenience. We have updated the usage limit. A limiting number was entered in error.

      • Hi,
        It is 11:01pm 31 May 2014.
        I just tried to register, has the offer expired already?

        • This deal expired 31 May at 00:00

          Your post timestamp says 01/06/2014 - 00:02

          if you say it's 11:01 where you are, it looks like your timezone played a winning hand

        • The offer is back again.

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