This was posted 10 years 10 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

3x Woodworm Golf Umbrella - $17.95 with "WELCOME10" Code + FREE SHIPPING @


Been a couple of deals around for these umbrellas lately but I think/hope to the ozbargain overlords that this is actually the cheapest we've seen them.

Free delivery on non-bulky items from until 23:59 29 April 2014. Shipping on this item is normally $11. Normal sale price of umbrellas is $19.95, but using the code "WELCOME10" brings the price down to $17.95.

UPDATE: Need to UNTICK shopper protection box prior to processing payment. S/O Frbargain for highlighting this.

Enjoy and stay dry!

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closed Comments

    • +1

      Would you like to elaborate? Or are you happy just crapping where you eat?

    • +16

      But it's my virginity breaking post

      • +1

        and no "pls b kind" to boot. How can you not upvote?

    • Your trolling skills need some work bro. Too obvious that you're trolling, so it doesn't actually make anyone mad. Keep working on it though, you'll get there eventually

      • You sound mad though.

      • You seem pretty mad

        • 15 year old's everywhere!


        • +1

          You need to work yolo and bro into it somewhere

  • Great product. I have these already form the Oo deal a while ago and will be buying more this time around. (I own a chauffeur company so I put them in the cars).

    Hell at this price I'm going to start giving them to customers to keep over Winter.

    (Bought 30) Thanks for the post.

    edit: Got an email from Google. Deals Direct is a Google Trusted supplier so they have guaranteed the purchase for free. Shame I opted for the $2.95 purchase protection…..

    • Lol me too… I was sure I unchecked it but when it brought me back from PayPal it must've rechecked it? Did you opt for it on purpose? Anyway, cbb complaining about it.

  • Bah. I accidentally left the shipping protection checked while checking out. Noob error. I shouldn't be here.

    • +2

      Updated post to highlight this, thanks.

      • +21

        Actually if you leave the shipping protection checked, you can use the code: GIFT5APR14 for $5 off, which saves you another $0.05, bringing the total to $17.90

        • also you don't have to agree to google's terms for their free protection! nicely done sir/madame.

        • Did this too, $17.90 with shipping protection included, brilliant!

        • Thanks, I used this code successfully!

  • +3

    OP's link omits the push button auto-quick release system specified in Friday's deal. So might these be old stock with the previous design?

    • You might be right, this description does omit that feature. Pictures are the same though. Will have to wait and see unfortunately!

      • I received my umbrellas this morning, I can confirm it has the "push-button" release system :)

        • Thanks and well done. I missed out due to caution, though I didn't really need them anyway.

  • +1

    Can someone compare these to the bunnings umbrellas?

  • +6

    This is practically the official umbrella of the ozbargainer.

  • +6

    Caved to ozbargain pressure and bought umbrellas for the first time

  • Excellent, thank you.
    Was waiting for a good deal on these and just in time.
    I left my 60" brolly on the train last winter.

  • +1

    If you are a fan of Nerf, or have rug rats who are, you should add the Vigilon and Praxis nerf disc guns to your order. $5.95 and $9.95 respectively. I'm putting a couple in the cupboard for presents.

    • good spot, I added the vigilon to my basket with the GIFT5APR14 code - total came to $20.90. cheers!

  • +1

    Looks like DealsDirect removed the deal.. cant access it.. bummer, ive been after these at just this price.

  • +1

    Link broken?
    "Page Not Found —"

  • I think its expired?? MISSED IT! :(

  • i saw this deal during my breakfast this morning but i didn't buy it. now i feel regret. did anyone just buy them all in one go?

    • +1

      Above comment;

      (Bought 30) Thanks for the post.


  • -2

    Whats so great about these umbrellas? Been very happy with my Bunnings umbrellas for $9.95. Double canopy, auto release button etc.

    • +1

      These cost less and you don't have to leave your home to buy them :)

  • Darn hesitated and missed out

  • Went to checkout, and seems like deal is back on ($2 off full price with code WELCOME10)

    • +1

      but shipping is back to $11 :(

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