Mice problem


My friend has a mice problem at their place where mice have 'infested' their home. The mice appear to be living in their floor ducts (heating) and they come out through the ducts at night and the ducts can't be closed.

I was wondering if anyone could help by suggesting what to do? Or if they had recommendations to a pest control person (Mount Waverley, Melbourne, Victoria).

At the moment, glue traps seem to catch the occasional mouse but more seem to show up as they reproduce.

My friend is a uni student so a cost effective method would be excellent!

Thanks all!


  • +3

    adopt a cat for free, if they can take care of it.

  • +3


    place peanut butter on can, and if you don't want to kill it yourself use water in the bucket. they drown. It works. not only with mouse but works with roaches too.

  • It's not really cost effective but you can't beat professional pest control - the chemicals and baits they have access to are far more effective than what's available to regular consumers, plus the technical know how on where the poisons / baits / traps should be laid.

    Disclosure I work for a professional pest control company but not as a pest tech so I can't offer any useful advice on treatment, other than the obvious make sure the place is squeaky clean so there's nothing to attract pests.

  • Get those grey plastic traps and load them with peanut butter. They're very effective, and cheap enough that you can throw them out if your friend is a bit squeamish. The cage-type traps are also good in that they can catch more than one at a time.

    For a severe infestation you might want to consider getting some Talon. Pop it by the skirting board close to the vent away from where it can be accessed by pets or children, and one in the ceiling, through the manhole.

  • +1

    Remove the food and water source..
    If there's no food and water, they'll move out pretty quick.

    Means being meticulously clean (to the point of wiping down the sink/basin and shower after use) and having vermin-proof cupboards that are always closed.

  • I have the same problem too. Was told by a friend that you can go to hardware store to get one of those magnetic wave thing where the waves will supposedly keep the mice away. Haven't tried it so not sure how effective it is.

    • +1

      100% effective at relieving your wallet of $50 (or whatever they're charging)… I'm betting that's the only thing they're effective at though..

      • I had a rat problem in my ceiling and tried absolutely everything. In desperation I bought one of these things (cost $200 but had an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee) and much to my surprise it actually worked, - have had no rats for 2 years. I don't think it stops them entering and running around but makes it very uncomfortable for them to nest so they move out

  • Thanks!!

  • I had a big mouse living in my gaming room for a few weeks. It had been eating some food I had stored there. I bought a pack of mouse/rat bait and left a few cubes around. A week later dead mouse in the driveway. Too easy.

    • Where there's 1 there's many..
      I'd be wanting to find at least another adult and a few babies before I was satisfied.

    • I'm not sure if it's in Australia but I have read an article where Mice/rats are becoming resistant to rat bait/poison and in some instances they are eating the baits like food.

      • That would be ratsak. It's not that good. Hence my earlier suggestion of Talon.

  • I was plagued my mice noise in my roof every night for 2 weeks straight, installed one of those electronic scarers purchased from Dick Smith and have not had a single problem since.

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