Daily deal direct from Steam, ends in ~6 hours from the time of posting.
Also, Cantonese Rap is actually a lot more bearable than all of Nicki Minaj's songs combined!
Daily deal direct from Steam, ends in ~6 hours from the time of posting.
Also, Cantonese Rap is actually a lot more bearable than all of Nicki Minaj's songs combined!
If you love Hong Kong action movies (Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen etc.) you will love this open world! There's aren't many side activities to do, but just driving around doesn't get old for a long time. This is game that John Woo's Strangehold could never be! Be sure to download the high res texture pack (available on Steam as "DLC") as soon as you download the main game, it will make a huge difference. (before, after) I also personally recommend using SweetFX just to give the overall sharpness a little boost.
This is a must-buy for $3.99!
It bothers me that the second largest texture in that screenshot (the wooden plank) didn't get an update haha
At least I know the first minute of that mobile plan is free!
I want that SmartBrick, it can do stuff. TWICE!!!
THRICE!!! listed again on the next line…
Own this on PS3, got this anyway for the Steam library. Great game, why not consider getting the game + DLC collection for $7.99 USD - couple of extra stories and side missions and fun skins.
Same here, played it all on the PS3, just bought it on the PC so I can see what it looks like maxed out :)
Collection is a 6.6GB download expands to 12GB according to Steam.
Correction 10.2GB download, I think perhaps it hadn't thought about the DLC
what's that?? Is that a skin to mimic Shenmue? Oh I missed Shenmue so much!!!
Well I got the game from AMD Rewards…is any of the DLC worth getting?
Shortest 6 hours of my life or someone incorrectly mark this as expired?
You've got 2.5 hours left from the time of this post.
SOLD!. worth it. finished on my ps3. sure worth a roll over in due time on the pc.
Nice, just made it, sounds like a kick ass game!! Hope its as good as Shenmue, Jade Empire and Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy)
I had more fun with it than any GTA since 3. Awesome game :)
Same here. It's what GTAIV should have been. The melee combat was so much fun, the story was good, and the characters were more likeable.
It's like the developers looked at everything that was stale or needed to be improved on with the GTA series and what their fans actually wanted, and made it something really refreshing and fun.
Finished this game reminded me when I watch young and dangerous series. as in my dismay sega wont localise yakuza 5 I saw this but to be honest nothing has really come close to shenmue or yakuza series
+1! loved shenmue and yakuza series, absolutely awesome games. All gamers should "experience" those games (not play)!
BTW - I'm pretty sure I've seen something on the net re. localisation for yakuza 5 tho…
Yeah something about atlus may translate it. But never know when thats concrete.
Very close to being a dupe. Probably worth spending the extra for the collection.