PayPal unauthorized transaction

I just realized someone made a payment of $67 using my PP account by mobile, thing is, I did not authorize this at all as I was asleep at the time.
I've since changed my PP password and launched a 'unauthorized payment' dispute in PP but when they get around to looking at it the payment will go through as my PP account is linked to my bank account funds though a debit card, to add to the problem I have two legitimate transactions scheduled to be paid as well, so I don't know what to do, should I withdraw the money from my account, cancel my debit card, or let them take the $67 and hope that PP will refund it?… sage advice needed if this has happened to you, I want to know what you did to handle this situation, thanks.

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  • Take it up with the person who used your phone to make the transaction.

    • Who says they used the OP's phone?

  • +2

    In my experience, PayPal are excellent with this kind of stuff. Their #1 selling point is that you don't have to give credit card details to every merchant, only to PayPal. So their #1 concern is to preserve consumers' trust.

    I once had an unauthorised transaction on my credit card, from a PayPal account. Not even my PayPal account. I contacted PayPal, and they refunded the money within hours. Didn't even have to talk with the CC company (though I cancelled the card of course).

    Just my $0.02

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