This was posted 10 years 10 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

3x Woodworm Umbrellas $19.95 + $2.95 @


I'm sure everyone already have a couple of these umbrellas considering how many times it has come up on Ozbargain, however I actually missed out every single time for whatever reason!

This morning I received an email from advertising $2.95 delivery per product which makes this pack of umbrellas almost the cheapest that it has ever been.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Good deal but it's not cheapest ever.

    • +1

      Ah damn :P I will fix the title and the details

  • Bought three some months ago

    Sold one
    Lost one
    Broke one

    Time for Round Two

    Edit: Having trouble checking out with Paypal. IE 11 and FF 28. Anyone else ?

  • Ordered, just in time for the sh*tty Sydney rain in winter. :D

    Thanks koreainhyuk.

  • +1

    Good Brollies for the money.
    I still have the last three I bought.

  • Still using the 3 that I got the last time. Good umbrellas for the price.

    Nothing will still beat my 16 ribbed umbrella though. That umbrella was built to last.

  • Nice work OP.
    Have to be better then the crappy ones that have been breaking on me.
    Let see how these go.

    • +4

      You will be surprised at how sturdy they are. As long as you look after them it will last a long time. Looking after I mean by not using it as a walking stick or whacking people with it.

      • +6

        No wonder mine kept breaking!

        • LOL… one of mine broke because the plastic tip wore off because of me using it like a walking stick and dragging it along.

  • +6

    I'm surprised that they haven't made one with ozbargain graphics, this may well be the official ozbargain umbrella. :D

  • trying to pay via paypal and getting this message on 2 different computers..

    An error has occurred
    As hard as we try we still aren't perfect. We suggest that you try again or contact us. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We'll try our best to make sure it does not happen again.

    update: When I logged in then I was able to pay via paypal

    • I got the same when using paypal so had to use my CC direct : (

      • I got charge via Paypal with the error, order did not complete. No email confirmation no order all empty under my account. I think I'm in some trouble….far out!

  • Guys, their paypal system is broken. I checked out with Paypal and gave me an error….
    I just got charged with with no orders placed as the order didn't complete, but Paypal already sent the money over.

    Disappointing, they just took my money and no orders placed.

    What to do? any one dealt with them before? I just emailed to [email protected] and [email protected] I hope I get some answers. Either fix the order or refund!

    • Thanks for the heads up! Will use CC in this instance.

      • I was hoping to see if someone dealt with their support….

      • yeah mine failed too. i tried three times thinking it was my poor internet. i may end up with a lot of umbrellas…

        • Happened to me aswell and I've been charged from paypal. Sent an email to there support so we'll see what they say. This will teach me for finally buying then after seeing them on Ozb for years.

        • Same as me. Let us know what they say to you. It's long weekend don't think they will reply

        • Still no reply fro really bad

    • Hey this has happened to me before, I have emailed their CS before but they could not help me
      I just paid with cc direct

      • OK you mean they were not helpful cannot fix the order. But did they give you a refund back via Paypal?

        • Yea ofcourse. I meant to say they won't helpful in finding out why that keeps happening

  • +3

    Bought these a couple of years ago - fantastic brolly! So good that I bought another pack last deal. Now i've got 6 'cos the damn things never break ;) The only fight in our house is who has to use the Collingwood one!!!

    • They are good value… still have 3 ordered a couple of years ago.

  • Bought 3 a while back. Sadly one has perished, but the other two going strong.
    Jump on this if you want some good element protection!

  • +1

    I imagine these umbrella's are pretty big. If they were a bit smaller I;d buy them.

  • Nice

  • @previous buyers

    For the delivery do they all come packed in a long box or shrink-wrapped together?

    • They came in a long box :)

      • Thanks!

      • So it's a big package? ;)

      • Long box individually wrapped. I still got one unused one.

        • Interested in one. Anyone from Parramatta that wants to sell one?

  • Bought this about 2 years ago, lost 3 of them and non is broken. Best umbrella for under $30 that i have used.

  • Tried to buy twice (used Paypal as payment method) … Got this ERROR Message both times …

    An error has occurred
    As hard as we try we still aren't perfect. We suggest that you try again or contact us. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We'll try our best to make sure it does not happen again.

    So frustrating ….

    • Yep, We are all getting the same it seems. Had to use CC for a successful transaction.

      • Finally able to order it using

  • After viewing all the reviews here, I just ordered now, when I finish my payment with PayPal, I got the message;

    An error has occurred
    As hard as we try we still aren't perfect. We suggest that you try again or contact us. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We'll try our best to make sure it does not happen again.
    Continue Shopping Contact Us

    I really don't know what to do now!

    • pray

  • +1

    I wanna get this.. but I've never really been an umbrella person

  • Great umbrellas, still using mine from last order.

  • +1

    I spend 50 bucks at Myer every 3 or 4 years on an umbrella. Reason being that every umbrella I've owned ends up getting the frame ribs broken or bent by wind. Myer will replace it within 1 year of purchase - which is what I've done every winter.

    I just gotta stop losing the damn things and I'll never buy one again :D

  • I think if you use Velocity Frequent flyer to get points you may be able to get free shipping?
    Anyone can confirm?

    • +1

      Velocity site says "In a recent check, we found this retailer offers free shipping. Please do check retailer site for current terms and conditions on free shipping as this can change at short notice."

      Sounds like they are just pointing out OO offers free shipping on some items, not a special discount for Virgin customers.

  • -1

    Tried to purchase this several times but keep getting an error using Paypal. Anyone else having the same problem?

    • +1

      Pay directly with CC. And read comments above

    • if you ctrl f on this page and search "error", you will see that other people have the same problem :)

      • paypal would have been a better word to search but ok.

  • +1

    sign up with your email for first time buyer to get $10 off automatically if you order over $50 (exclude postage), not too bad if you manage to get 3 packs of 3 - share the deal guys ^_^

    • It didn't show me that, it only say spend over $200 and get $20 off?

  • +3

    Works now with PayPal

    • I can confirm this, just ordered a set. Looking forward to see how well the double canopy design to prevent the umbrella inverting in high winds works.

      • +1

        Don't expect to face the other side facing the wind and expect it to handle all the wind. Works well if you shield it a bit as well, the double canopy helps by removing the wind force that would otherwise turn a mere normal umbrella inside out. Haven't had one of these turn inside out at all and that is using it down the terrace on a stormy and windy day.

    • The postage deal expired I believe :(

      • I wasn't complaining because it expired. I was because It should count your cart if you added it before expiry.

  • Delivery is 9.95 for me any code?

  • Any idea how long shipping takes? And I chose DD since PP wasn't working properly. Missed going to the bank today, hope Monday is alright

  • +1

    received my package today (Melbourne)

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