• expired

[Android] Cerberus Anti Theft Application (Usually 2.99€/AUD $4.50) Now FREE


It's Cerberus 3rd birthday, let's celebrate!

We just published updates for Cerberus (version 2.5) and Client Cerberus (version 2.0). There are some cool new features in Client Cerberus, that will make easier to recover your lost or stolen phone from another Android device:

  • Web control, like remote control from the web dashboard but integrated into the app

  • Touch the device name and you'll see a navigation icon, that will start "Navigation Mode" : the Google Maps navigator will start, and Cerberus will update the destination if you device moves

  • If you are near the lost device, touch the radar icon to start "Radar Mode": WiFi hotspot will be started on the lost device and Client Cerberus will display the network signal, so you should have a very good indication (better than GPS) on how near you are to the lost device.

Oh, and since it's Cerberus birthday we need to celebrate: all new accounts created for the next 30 hours will get a free license! The promotion starts now (midnight GMT) and ends at 6 AM of April 26.


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Cerberus for Android
Cerberus for Android

closed Comments

  • +2

    Fantastic app. I've been using it since the previous freebie. Nice spotting OP!

  • +1

    Outstanding App.

  • +2

    Absolutely outstanding app.

  • +1

    Agreed. Incredible app. Been using it since a previous free promo.
    We all sound like sockpuppets.

    • +1
      • +2


        • I knew it! You're on TV!

    • +1

      It is a very good app! I just used it this morning to find my wife's mobile which she couldn't find, and she's in a different country! She sent me a message using Facebook saying 'Can't find my mobile!' so I opened up Cerberus and found she'd left it at a friend's house down the street. Excellent! I've tried the crappy Google software that's supposed to locate your mobile, but it rarely works.

  • +1

    I was planning on buying a license but lucky this came up. Now I will have to find another Android phone to make an account because when I uninstall the app from my phone it leaves some data of the account previously used.

    • What about using somet hing like SDMaid or CleanMaster to get rid of all those files that uninstalled applications leave.

    • +4

      You don't have to use a phone to install this, you can install an Android emulator on your PC. I use Bluestacks for simplicity, or Android ADT for more technical stuff, but there are a number of other choices:


      Install Bluestacks then register your gmail address (must be the same account you want to use Cerberus with) then you can use the Google Play link above to install it into Bluestacks. Once it's installed on one device, even if you uninstall, it will remain in your 'purchased' items so you can install it on other devices at a later date.

      • +1

        Thanks for that, I am already linked to a Cerberus account via another account but didn't want to uninstall it so I could get it myself. I had a slight hassle getting Bluestacks to work originally when it was stuck at the loading screen but updated my graphics driver & rebooted and it suddenly worked. Unsure if it was the act of updating the graphics or rebooting which cured my issue since most people with the graphics issue have low end cards.

        Bonus, I can play Android games on my computer now too.

  • +1

    thanks OP

  • +3

    Got an account from previous freebie deal and kept using it on 5 out of all my android devices, good app, although I haven't lost any of my phones yet.

    • Pretty much the same as me, use Cerberus on 3 devices (2x phones; 1x tablet), 99% of the time it's just me getting drunk selfies of myself after trying to use the pattern lock after a few too many beers, but on two different other occasions I've left my phone at work and located it and took a little stress of 'where did I leave it' for the weekend so luckily I haven't had any devices stolen.. yet.

  • +1

    Great app, paid full price for it and dont regret it. Lost my phone once and managed to track it back thanks to the app

  • How does Cerberus tolerate restoring from backup (e.g. titanium backup)? Do you need to do a wipe or just open it again?

    • It restores fine but you need to log into the app to restore root access rights and set Device Administration rights. It only takes a moment and is worth the investment IMO.

  • +2

    Cerberus?! Commander Shepherd does not approve.

  • whats the different between client and anti theft?

    • +7

      "Cerberus anti theft" is the location software that should always be installed on your Android device. It doesn't really do anything by itself except sit on your phone and wait for somebody to access it from elsewhere.

      "Client Cerberus" allows another Android device to find a device with Cerberus installed on it. If you lose your mobile on a night out, you can ask to borrow your friend's mobile and install Cerberus Client on it, then enter your login detail and password, which will then allow you to track your phone.

      You can use the web client http://www.cerberusapp.com also, but a native app would be more mobile-specific and tailored to a touch-screen device. The web client probably works better on a PC web browser, the Cerberus client app works better on a tablet or mobile phone.

  • also how do we know if we get into first 30 hours?(free)

    got email

    The license for your "xxxxxxxx" Cerberus account has been activated for free!

    Please open Cerberus on your device and log in to access the app settings, you should not see the "Buy license" option anymore. This means that the lifetime license for your account is active.

    Have a great day!

    The Cerberus team

  • +2

    I believe they were hacked recently for the 2nd time in 12 months and had user details/passwords stolen, not great having someone else access your phone :/.

    Oh has anyone tried uninstalling it because quite a few reviewers seems to have trouble doing just that.

    Edit: what are the in app purchase's?

      • you need to trust something…

      • Google has a version of this that comes with recent versions of Android.

    • +3

      They probably didn't read the instructions before uninstalling.

      From the FAQ: "You have to disable Device Administration if you want to uninstall Cerberus. Open the app, log in and tap 'Status: Enabled' under Device administration. After that you will be able to uninstall Cerberus."

      It would be pretty worthless security software if it was EASY to uninstall!

    • Do you have a source on those breaches? Google gave me shit results and I'm never using Bing.

  • Great app, used it for a few years now.

  • Not sure if anyone is having this problem but for the last 10 minutes I've been trying to create an account and I can't seem to get any username. Every name I try it is used already and I have to try again. What?

    • yeah, got that as well. The account was actually created. If you just close and re-launch the app, you can log in

  • Sorry guys…

    Noob questions coming up.

    You put Cerebus on the phone…but should you need it….use Cerebus Client on another phone to locate Phone A?

  • -2

    I love the backdoors. Useful too, to determine the physical owner of the phone by accessing the camera function. I like the fact that they need to access all your contacts, read all your SMS, monitor all incoming and outgoing calls, monitor your most frequently visited locations to profile you. No more secrets.

    • +4

      You do realise they need those permissions to actual do what the application was designed to do in the first place - not sure if you're trolling?

    • AND they can track the phones location. OMG!!!! NSA!! New World Order!

  • This is hands down my most important and favourite app on android.

    I paid for this about 12 months ago after moving to android from iPhone (and the very useful Find My IPhone), and was well worth the money.

    Get this for free and you're doing very well for yourself. You can "hide" this app, so even if someone gets access to your phone, they cant disable it. The only way to get to it is to 'dial a sequence of numbers' on the dial pad.

    You enter a wrong entry code when the phone is locked, and it'll take a picture of the person who tries to get in and automatically email it to a nominated email address. No flash, black screen, the person doesnt even know you've got their image.

    Absolutely awesome app.

  • +1

    Can I just register for 1 account and install on 2 devices - and track 2 devices?

    • +1

      Yeah, you can use up to 5 devices with 1 licence.

  • +3

    On one hand, this is a great app for finding my device on the odd chance of loosing it. On the other hand, i am handing over complete control and access of my device that i use for online banking and trade shares and seldom turned off to a small company that could go rogue or be hacked… what to do? Anybody sharing the same concern?
    I think i may just stick with Samsung own software, not that they can't be hacked…think Sony… but at least they have the resources and inclination to mount a serious defense for their reputation… Finally, at least I can start a class action against Samsung if they cause serious damages to alot of users due to negligence.

    • -3

      Yes, because of course a class action against Samsung for consequential loses using their devices will be 100% successful… unless of course you read the fine print of your user agreement, which specifically precludes such responsibility.

      Mate, at the end of the day- if you are that concerned about big brother or hackers, best go back to pen and paper, conduct banking over the teller only, and use a stock broker via telephone. Oh wait, that's inconvenient. And there's the issue.

      If you like the convenience of conducting share trading via a mobile telephone (I think youre nuts doing that btw), then maybe you shouldnt be relying on freeware protection- but instead PAYING for it.

      And a further flipside to your arguement, I'd rather hedge my bets and keep my operating system and system protection by separate entities (ie Microsoft and Zone Alarm), because thinking like you do and trusting just one big multinational with my private information is EXACTLY how these problems start in the first place.

      Oh and finally…. if you want a program to protect an operating system properly, root access will inevitably have to be given. You have to trust it. Because if its just sitting on top of it, that very program is still open to threat from within the operating system itself.

      • +2

        IANAL, but…

        from my understanding in Australia, as a consumer, you can not wave certain consumer rights, like the right damages when a product is faulty and damages your stuff. It is also my understanding that EULA's hold little legal weight as a contract.

        Put simply, consumer law trumps dodgy fine print for software.

        Again, IANAL.

        • Not only are you correct, but it is illegal for a company to mislead you about your rights (including trying to waive a right to consequential loss)

        • From what I am reading of the comments above, both of you (This Guy & fruit) are being upvoted but it appears that you are disagreeing with what disa1377 is saying (as is UFO).

          UFO appears to be saying that Samsung would not protect you because of their fine print in their EULA. disa1377 appears to be saying that giving info to Cerberus is more risky than Samsung because Cerberus is a much smaller company and don't have as big a reputation at stake.

          But, if consumer rights cannot be waived, then my understanding is it makes no difference whether Cerberus, Samsung or ABC Holdings pty ltd caused damage due to their negligence.

          So I'm confused as to why disa1377, This Guy & fruit are all being upvoted…? I'd imagine it would be UFO & disa1377 downvoted and This Guy & fruit.

          Can someone explain? :S

  • +1

    If only we could get Titanium Back Up Pro deal..

  • +4

    For those who aren't aware, here's the poor man's version from google:-


    • Awesome, thanks, useful page.

    • I +1'd you but was tempted to neg because you gave a http (not https) link.

  • I just registered. Email received confirming its free activation.
    But 2nd email says your free trial will expire on 3rd May 2014..
    Is it mean it's not free for life? Anyone else got this msg?

    • I think it expired. It was until 6am Of 26 Abril.

      • +1

        We are not in the GMT timezone.

    • I got that message, but it was soon followed up by a second email titled "let's celebrate Cerebus third birthday" and the body of the message had this " The license for your "xxxxxxxxxx" Cerberus account has been activated for free!

      Please open Cerberus on your device and log in to access the app settings, you should not see the "Buy license" option anymore. This means that the lifetime license for your account is active.

      Have a great day!

      The Cerberus team

      this was at 4 pm EST.

  • Worked for me just before.

  • +1

    It should have expired 26 mins ago I believe

  • +2

    Just tried.It has expired :(

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