Ok internet experts…I'm relying on you, to assist me! I'm heading to China, in August, and am lead to believe that I can't just access to FB, via ordinary internet/wifi. True? If so, how do I get around that?
Of course, I'm looking for the cheapest, yet reliable, way :)
Simple instructions would be appreciated! (I understand most techy things, but sometimes the lingo is just too much for me!)
Thanks in advance!
Imagine if there was a place where questions could be answered quickly, easily and without disturbing others.
I imagine that place to have a sign. A coloured sign even. Possibly 4 colours, with the same colour used more than once. I imagine people have worked at this place for years to perfect a data locating function so simple, so easy, that anyone could use it. Sadly this all seems but a dream at the moment. Maybe one day people will want this resource available to them. Until then, we will just have to suffice with message board posts asking the same things.