Welcome to new moderators - foundit and HueyData

Let me announce two new moderators on OzBargain — foundit and HueyData!

I have actually assigned them the capabilities a week ago and they have been testing some of the new'ish features on OzBargain (and pauly would know :) Sorry I've only got the chance to make the announcement public. Congratulations!

Sorry currently we do not have plan to take on more moderators as of this financial year, but who knows when OzBargain continues to grow into the next ;)


  • ah, i see HueyData has continued the trend of using star trek avatars. Now we have scotty, data and picard. :)

    • It was a logical continuation of a social convention.

      Perhaps one day the gravatars of OzBargain will represent the cast of Star Trek, or a Borg collective …

  • Ah- that's why I saw a mod tag next to their names.

    Congrats to foundit and HueyData!

    And are there some secret mod forums/threads?:
    "Active and inactive moderator list"
    "Tips and Tactics"
    "List of moderator feature suggestions"


    • Yeah, foundit was hyper on caffein that day.

      And congrats again foundit and HueyData. :)

  • Congratulations foundit and HueyData!

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