This was posted 10 years 10 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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6 $0 eBooks: Stress, Behavior, Time, Memory, Business, etc [Kindle]

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01) Don't Go To Work Naked! Dress right for work every time, all the time.: for men. By Parker Geiger and Ricardo Trigueiro, 119 pages, save $8.32, published February 21, 2104.

02) Don't Go To Work Naked! Dress right for work every time, all the time.: for women. By Parker Geiger and Ricardo Trigueiro, 121 pages, save $8.43, published February 21, 2104.

03) Managing Stress In The Workplace: How to get rid of stress at work and live a longer life ((Stress Management) How to deal with stress). By Joe Martin, 52 pages, save $3.76, published January 24, 2014, 4.7 stars from 33 reviews.

04) Stress Relief: How To Manage Your Stress To Live A Stress-Free Life Every Day! By Daniel Hall, 23 pages, save $3.76, published July 15, 2013, 4.7 stars from 7 reviews.

05) The Stress Relief Guide - How to manage stress and enjoy stress-free living every day! By Anna Everitt, 17 pages, save $1.06, published December 18, 2013, 5 stars from 3 reviews.

06) How To Work With People You Can't Stand: Plays Wells With Others: Difficult People — Difficult People At Work — Difficult People To Work With. By James Christiansen, 24 pages, save $3.76, published November 9, 2013, 4.7 stars from 3 reviews.

07) Skip the Guilt Trip: A Handy Guide for Saying No, Protecting Yourself, and Enforcing Healthy Boundaries (No Matter How Much You Like to Please). By Tess M. Stevens, 99 pages, save $3.76, published January 18, 2014, 4.9 stars from 7 reviews.

08) The Fear Of Conflict Treatment: How To Overcome Your Fear Of Conflict And Express Yourself With Confidence For Life (Anger Management, Anxiety, Worry, … Conflict Resolution, Conflict Management). By Allan Green, 20 pages, save $3.76, published January 29, 2014, 4.2 stars from 12 reviews.

09) The Ultimate Guide to Anger Management: How to Control Temper and Conquer Anger. By Jessica Lopez, 24 pages, save $1.04, published March 3, 2014, 4.8 stars from 9 reviews.

10) How to win new friends and influence people: The fastest way to make friend, when first meet, methods to resolve conflict and to become a true friend forever. By Stephen Godspeed Johnson, 49 pages, save $3.76, published April 11, 2014, 5 stars from 1 review.

11) The Supreme Introvert Advantage: Introvert Success In An Extrovert Environment (Life, Introvert Power, Introvert Books, Introverted, Introvert). By Jamie Khan, 35 pages, save $6.00, published April 9, 2014, 5 stars from 5 reviews.

12) The Conversation Method - Conversation Skills Made Into Simple Steps (Conversation Starters, Conversation Skills, How To Talk To Anyone, Public Speaking). By Matt Morris, 44 pages, save $5.06, published March 28, 2014, 5 stars from 7 reviews.

13) The Body Language Boxset: Learn To Read Your Coworkers, Friends, and Romantic Interests. By Brian Night, 169 pages, save $3.76, published January 19, 2014, 3.8 stars from 6 reviews.

14) Ten Interesting Things About Human Behavior. By Suzanne Davis, 56 pages, save $0.97, published October 1, 2011, 3.8 stars from 233 reviews.…

15) Time Management: Including 471 Tips That Can Help You Have More Time For Yourself (Career Planning). By Brian Harris, 89 pages, save $5.04, published April 3, 2014.

16) Time Management: How To Get 12 Hours Out Of An 8 Hour Day (Time Management Tips, Time Management Skills). By Natalie Johnson, 35 pages, save $1.01, published April 8, 2014, 4.8 stars from 4 reviews.

17) Leaders' Map. By John D.H. Greenway, 82 pages, save $5.24, published January 18, 2014, 4.8 stars from 28 reviews.

18) Be your own best life coach (52 Brilliant Ideas). By Jackee Holder, 240 pages, save $24.95, published October 20, 2008, 3.4 stars from 12 reviews.…

19) Performance Management - 30 Ways To Improve Performance At Work And Personal Life - First Edition! (How To Be Productive Series). By Chris Diamond, 18 pages, save $5.07, published January 13, 2012, 4 stars from 2 reviews.

20) Brain Power Strategies: Effectively Increase Memory Strength, Maximize Cognitive Skills and Boost Your IQ (memory improvement, Brain Training, improve your mind). By James Browning, 30 pages, save $1.06, published February 5, 2014, 4.8 stars from 9 reviews.

21) Ultimate Memory Improvement: How To Unleash The Full Potential Of Your Brain With Simple Memory Improvement Techniques (Productivity, Brain Games, Brain Power). By Vincent Miles, 78 pages, save $1.01, published March 30, 2014, 5 stars from 7 reviews.

22) The Riddle Chest: 50 Original Riddles to Stump Your Brain. By Sef Daystrom, 15 pages, save $2.99, published February 23, 2013, 3.5 stars from 61 reviews.…

23) How to Work for Yourself: 100 Ways to Make the Time, Energy and Priorities to Start a Business, Book or Blog. By Bryan Cohen, 55 pages, save $0.99, published June 12, 2013, 3.6 stars from 160 reviews.…

24) Business Tips To Success: for busy entrepreneurs from start ups to seasoned business owners. By Rod Richards, 97 pages, save $23.60, published November 11, 2013, 5 stars from 5 reviews.

25) FLOW. By Ian Hollander, 169 pages, save $0.99, published December 13, 2013, 5 stars from 3 reviews.

26) The Myth of the Garage. By Chip Heath, 54 pages, published January 26, 2012, 4.3 stars from 65 reviews.…

27) Salary Negotiations: How to Handle Questions About Salary (e-Report). By Peggy McKee, 41 pages, save $1.03, published March 10, 2014, 5 stars from 2 reviews.

28) The Clean Home: Step by Step Guide to Keep Your Home Clean, Organized and Clutter Free;Declutter Your Life and Home;60 Non-Toxic DIY Cleaners and Stain Removal Formulas. By ADISH Books, 136 pages, save $8.47, published January 14, 2014, 4.9 stars from 19 reviews.

29) Cleaning and Organizing Made Easy: House Cleaning, Decluttering and Kitchen Organizing Tips (Organizing Your Home). By Sherrie Le Masurier, 138 pages, save $4.16, published June 12, 2013, 3.8 stars from 19 reviews.

30) Household Simplicity: Practical Minimalism at Work for Your Home (Practical Minimalism Book Series). By Faith Janes, 49 pages, save $0.97, published June 6, 2012, 4.1 stars from 24 reviews.

31) Time to Simplify: Practical Minimalism for Living with Less (Practical Minimalism Book Series). By Faith Janes, 47 pages, save $0.97, published June 6, 2012, 4.1 stars from 12 reviews.

32) Less Mess, More Time: Practical Minimalism for Life (Practical Minimalism Book Series). By Faith Janes, 128 pages, save $3.76, published June 6, 2012, 4.2 stars from 5 reviews.

33) Kids & Their Clutter: Practical Minimalism for Challenging Messes (Practical Minimalism Book Series). By Faith Janes, 42 pages, save $0.97, published June 6, 2012, 3.9 stars from 8 reviews.

34) The Joy Of Minimalism: How To Simplify Your Life With Less (Simple Living, Declutter, Organized Life). By Vincent Miles, 90 pages, save $1.01, published March 30, 2014, 4.8 stars from 5 reviews.

35) Five Phases: Taking You from Zero to Hero in the Field of Project Management (The ABC's of Effective Project Management). By Ted Brooks, 59 pages, save $1.03, published March 8, 2014, 4.8 stars from 4 reviews.

36) Motivation-How To Stop Being Lazy, Get Motivated and Overcome Procrastination. By Linda Help, 24 pages, save $3.76, published February 26, 2014, 4.2 stars from 6 reviews.

37) Procrastination: 13 Ways to Develop An Effective Time Management Mindset & Increase Productivity without Burning Out Or Getting Overwhelmed With Everyday Tasks. By Jacob Westlin, 36 pages, save $3.76, published March 26, 2014, 5 stars from 11 reviews.

38) How to Get Motivated and Stop Procrastinating - 51 Ways to Overcome Anxiety, Depression, Fear, and Lack of Motivation. By Ashley Rosebloom, 17 pages, save $3.76, published January 2, 2014, 4.1 stars from 9 reviews.

39) Inspiration: 7 Simple Steps To Success For People Over 40 (Plus 100 Inspiring Facts). By M.P Neary, 120 pages, save $3.76, published November 22, 2013.

40) 8 Reasons Your Life Matters. By John Herrick, 76 pages, save $5.95, published May 15, 2013, 4.3 stars from 175 reviews.…

41) Is $0.99 the New Free? The Truth About Launching and Pricing Your Kindle Books. By Steve Scott, 45 pages, save $0.99, published January 19, 2014, 4.7 stars from 137 reviews.

42) The Matrix Of Conflict: Understanding why we get trapped in confrontational situations and adopting a unique & new approach to winning (Leadership & Management). By Asaf Shani, 62 pages, save $3.94, published July 18, 2013, 5 stars from 5 reviews.

43) Skills For Successful Business Communication. By Gabriel Berrian, 77 pages, save $3.94, published December 26, 2013, 5 stars from 3 reviews.

44) Lessons Learned the Hard Way. By John Samuels, 583 pages, save $24.99, published February 9, 2013. text&ie=UTF8&qid=1397818544&sr=1-1&keywords=lessons+learned+the+hard+way

45) Free Technology Software for Trainers and Teachers (and Everyone Else). By William D. Milheim and Karen L. Milheim, 33 pages, save $6.31, published January 1, 2014.

46) The Essential CV Writing Book: Write a CV Resume and Cover Letter That Wins Interviews. By Andrew Cunning, 117 pages, save $8.44, published November 30, 2013.

47) The Essential Job Hunting Book: Step by Step Career Advice For Job Seekers. By Andrew Cunning, 79 pages, save $3.76, published November 30, 2013.

48) Unemployed and Miserable?: Mental Strategies for Coping with Job Loss. By Maria Westcott, 151 pages, save $8.99, published March 10, 2014, 5 stars from 3 reviews.

49) The Art of Mental Training - A Guide to Performance Excellence. By DC Gonzalez, 138 pages, save $11.25, published January 12, 2014, 4.8 stars from 152 reviews.

50) How to Read Body Language 101 - How to Read Anybody's Body Language like a Open Book. By Joshua Osenga, 56 pages, save $3.76, published December 14, 2014, 4.4 stars from 10 reviews.

51) Speed Reading For Beginners: How To Read 300x Faster in Just 1 day. By Robert James, 69 pages, save $0.99, published April 16, 2014, 5 stars from 1 review.

52) Leadership Development. By John Mitchell, 230 pages, save $17.95, published December 8, 2013, 4.3 stars from 3 reviews.

53) The Innovation Animals. By Jeff Zias, 130 pages, save $3.76, published April 15, 2014, 5 stars from 2 reviews.

54) Small Business Sales Management: 19 Winning Secrets of Success. By Michael Delaware, 222 pages, save $12.95, published February 18, 2014, 5 stars from 3 reviews.

55) Time Management: Create Forward Momentum with Time Management (Your Personal Development). By Michael Finlayson, 164 pages, save $14.67, published June 28, 2013, 4.7 stars from 14 reviews.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Wow, that would have taken you a while !!!

  • A lot of the books aren't great, but the Chip & Dan Heath one ("The Myth of the Garage") should be good. They wrote "Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die", which is an excellent guide to making messages stick with people.

    Technically, the content in this book is always free - it's a collection of their "Fast Company" columns - but I really like having something useful on my Kindle for when I'm stuck waiting for mechanics, doctors etc. Short articles by smart, clear writers sounds like just the thing.

    • Now have 'The Myth…'. will now see if it is mythology from the world of jong. groan -sorry-

  • +1

    Who'd pay $3 for a book that's 17, 20 or 24 pages long? $6 for 35 pages? Most sound like web page dumps…

  • Anyone else think people are just writing books just for the hell of it? many of those books are pretty light on if the page numbers are pretty correct. And for the prices recommended???????

    OP better check them links, some of them charge (i accidentally bought one for 3.76) Another one is around 1.50….

    • +1

      They're writing books to make money:

      1. Hammer out any old nonsense
      2. Put what you think is a catchy title
      3. Give it away for free to build up "sales" numbers
      4. Pay some people to give it good reviews (or trade them good reviews of their books)
      5. Raise the price, and hope that enough people buy it over the next 30 years to make the time you've spent worthwhile.
      • +5

        Sorry, I meant to put all of that in my new $3 Kindle book, "How to make Kindle Book Bestseller and Influence people, Rich Dad synergy".

    • +5

      All books were double checked for free (before and after posting). Anyway, I've gone through the books again and updated the post. For the books that you bought accidentally, please request a refund.…

  • +1

    Thanks for your efforts, OP. Nice selection. Had I not procrastinated, could've got more!

  • I don't get why Amazon prices fluctuate on a minute to minute basis. I missed a bunch of these already, some very intriguing. Only been a few hours since posting.

  • -5

    Insert 'witty' comment here, referring to not being able to perform the act of redeeming the deal in time, as by now literally nobody has thought of this before.

    Ref: "Sarcasm for Dummies"

    • +4

      Books on stress and anger management are still available. Shame there's nothing on self esteem which would benefit you more.

  • Thanks for this, Free US or $ sale au or reverse that.Collected title I wanted. As for 'light on pages', words and so on! If I can get one new idea, strategy, or joke then the reads are worthwhile and at the zero price/////. Jong has it right, ? how do I carry 25 books,on a tram, to flick through. visualise slapstick.

  • Has anybody changed their Amazon account from US to Australia when it asked you to. Then now you can not download from these free link anymore. It states that these title are not available for you country.

    • There's a green pop up on the right hand side to click on which takes you to the amazon au site which you can download for free.

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