This was posted 10 years 10 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Selected Games 2 for $40, 2 for $90, 2 for $20, 2 for $10 or Mix and Match @ EBGAMES


You can buy 2 different priced games and price will be averaged out :)
These selected games 2 for $40
Gran Turismo 5 PS3
Sniper elite V2 GOTY EDITION PS3/XBOX 360
Silent hill HD edition Xbox 360
Scribblenauts Unlimited 3DS
Metal gear solid HD edition Xbox 360
Mortal kombat Komplete edition Xbox 360
Assassin's creed 3 liberation PS VITA
NBA 2K13 Xbox 360
Dead space 3 limited edition PS3/xbox 360
Grand theft auto 4 Ps3/Xbox 360/pc
Uncharted 3 drakes deception PS3
Halo 3 Xbox 360
Far cry 3 PC
Assassins creed revelation PS3/Xbox 360
Battlefield 3 Xbox 360/Ps3/PC
Splinter cell black list back edition PC
Resident evil 6 Xbox 360/Ps3
Epic mickey 2 the power of 2 PS3
Darksiders 2 Wii U
Pro controller U for Wii U
Lego Batman 2 : DC super heros Wii U/Ps Vita
Rayman legends PS VITA
Game of thrones Xbox 360
The last of us official strategy guide
Deus ex Human revolution directors cut Wii U
Splinter cell blacklist Wii U
Spy hunter PS VITA
2 for $40 link
These titles and more 2 for $90
Need for speed Rivals Ps3/Xbox 360
Just dance 2014 xbox one/ps4
Fifa 14 PS3
fIFA 14 Collectors edition Xbox 360
Diablo 3 xbox 360
Batman Arkham origins PS3 Xbox 360
Assassins creed 4 black flag PS3 Xbox 360
Sing party Wii U
Game and Wario Wii U
Monster hunter 3 Ultimate Wii U
Wii u remote plus additional set
Xcom enemy within PS3/ Xbox 360
AMC'S The walking dead: survival instinct Xbox 360/Ps3
2 for $90 link
These 2 for $60
JUST Dance 2014 Wii U
Warriors Orochi 3 hyper Wii U
sonic AND ALLSTARS Racing transformed limited edition Wii U
The walking dead a telltale game series Xbox 360/PS3
Tomb raider xbox 360/ps3
2 for $60 link
These 2 for $20
Fast and furious showdown Xbox 360
silent hill downpour xbox 360
Assassins creed 3 official game guide collectors edition
Sniper elite V2 XBOX 360/PS3
Mass effect 3 ps3
Link 2 for $20…
These 2 for $10
Need for speed most wanted Wii U
Fallout Las Vegas Ps3
Mario Party 8 Wii
Singularity PS3T
Two worlds 2 Ps3
WWE Allstars 3DS
2 FOR $10 LINK
Lots more available
Some titles only available in store.

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • Pro controller U for Wii U

    Can any games use this yet ?

    • this isn't the same version but explains it works for most games

      • +1

        Not the same product.

    • +2

      Review from EBGames page:…

      "I bought this thinking it did everything on the package. It does NOT have the capabilities of a "Wii U Pro Contoller" as stated on the packaging. It works fine as a Wii Classic Control though (That's not what I paid for). The one I purchased was faulty, as the left direction of the D-Pad functioned as Left+Down, rather than just Left. Really cheap feeling and a bit clunky. 1/10 would return to store (and I did; for an actual Wii U Pro Controller.)" - Nikko_1994 (1/5 stars)

      Sounds like its at best a Classic Controller.

  • Got excited when I saw the last of us then realized not the game. JB Hi-Fi are also doing a 2 games for $40. Arguably better titles too.

    • My local jb carries crappy game titles, e.g. ds & 3ds games section, staff: "sorry we don't sell any of the Mario titles". I was almost gonna laugh about it right in front of the staff.

  • OOOO MH3U in the 2 for $90 bin is a bargain if you didn't get it as a digital download in the last eShop sale.

  • +7

    You can mix and match the different "2 for" price points. So if you wanted to get one thing that was "2 for $40" and one thing that was "2 for $90", the price would average out to $65 for the two items.

    • was not aware of that, thanks for posting…

    • Noone mentioned it the 2 for could also work this way in store at all! Are u serious about this?

      • 100% serious. This is available in store too.

  • Anyone know what need for speed most wanted is like? I'm thinking of getting that $10 wii U one

    • +4

      It's pretty good for a NFS game. The racing felt like a good balance between NFS and Burnout although the crashes do get annoying after a while as you can't skip them. The game is jam packed full of DLC and will often dangle a carrot in front of you by putting cars all around the place to be found but you can't unlock them unless you buy it with real money.

      • Its a great game but all the DLC just ruined it for me :( such a shame

        • My understanding was that the Wii U version included the DLC as well - was that not the case? Or was the issue just with the PS3 and 360 versions?

  • +1

    Picked up a few games last week, slim pickings, but depending on what you like you can pick up something good

    • Yeah this deal has been going for a while now, took longer than normal to make it to here. I picked up Blackgate on 3DS and Tearaway on Vita for $60 all up. Not bad for Tearaway, but great price for the best handheld Batman game of this gen.

  • +2

    if your wanting a game on its own and can't find something to match it with, pick up one of the keyrings in the 2 for $10 and it will make the game half price.

    ie if its in the 2 for $90 it will end up being $45 for the game & $5 for Keyring so $50 in total.

    • +2

      If you happen to be buying a older game and your near the sticker price, you'd make a few $$ more by spending the extra couple of dollars and them trading it back too

  • +2

    There's also 2 for $50:

    And 2 for $30:

    Just a shame about the availability of Need For Speed Most Wanted U - I'd snap that up in a second!

  • I got Starcraft 2 WOL+HOTS for $60.

    Bit disappointed how EB are required to break open the seal on their games so they can store the keys under the counter. Would've liked a sealed box, especially if it was a gift. But I couldn't find a cheaper boxed copy anywhere else.

    • Are they even allowed to do that

  • +1

    Went in and picked up 4 games at good prices: Lumines, Rayman Legends, Little Big Planet and Tearaway for $70.

    • 4 for $70?! Or 2 for $70?

      • You can mix and match, eg. 1 $30 for 2 game for $15 and 1 $60 for 2 game for $30, etc.

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