Solar charging in car?

Hi all,

I'm thinking of getting my fiancee an in car bluetooth speakerphone thing so she can talk and drive. I'm wondering though, she probably won't remember to plug it in to charge it when shes not using it… and it has a ciggerate lighter.

The problem is that the cable is too short, so it will get in her way (dangling from the visor down to the ciggerate lighter). So I'm thinking, do solar powered chargers work in this instance?

I could put the solar battery charger on the dash, turn it on and let it supply power to the bluetooth headset thing. Something like this:…

The only problem I can think of is that in a car it gets quite hot, and the battery might detonate. Is that a worthwhile thing to worry about? Or does heat not affect li-on batteries?



  • What's in a GPS system you keep stashed in your glove box?

  • Solar? Battery? If she can't remember to charge it once a blue moon, should she really have a distraction like a bluetooth kit in the car? Similarly - having cables and stuff on the dash and up to the visor? Terrible idea IMO.

    Does her car lighter socket work without the keys in ignition? My car does, so maybe once a fortnight I chuck it on to charge whilst I'm parked at work for the day. Turned on every time I'm in the car and lengthy calls on it most days.

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