• expired

Coles Ice Cream Varieties 500ml Was $6.51, Now $4.00 Again!



As mentioned by sydozbargain0000 here:https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/134460

This ice cream is a favourite amongst the Ozbargain community! While the consensus is peanut butter is best, the good news is they have a new flavour (choc brownie)! Its over 30% off so try a tub today!

Expires 22/4/14

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closed Comments

  • +4

    I was just starting to crave the PB one again, after trying it last time thanks to OzB's recommendations. Good spotting, OP!

    • +1

      No worries stig. Like many here, I'm addicted to this Ice Cream. When on special at this price, no other Ice Cream comes close. Except maybe the Weis special Coles had a few weeks back https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/133755

      Im 99% sure there are 5 Flavours of this premium Ice Cream.

      My official rankings are:
      1. Peanut Butter
      2. Lemon Meringue
      3. Coffee Choc Crunch
      4. Pavlova
      *5. Gooey Choc Brownie (Yet to try)

      Tomorrow Im going to try a Choc Brownie/Peanut Butter combo!

  • the lemon meringue is very good, so is the peanut butter. Thanks!!

  • Tried the choc brownie a few weeks back. PB is still the best. Time to stock up.

  • My fave is the pavlova one

  • The $6.51 is the online price, instore its regular price is $6

    • Coles weekly specials start on Wednesday IIRC.

  • The PB is great for the price. Will have to try choc brownie.

  • Cheers OP. The PB one is freaking amazing.

  • PB definately the best but give the Mocha Crunch a go. Close runner up!

  • So how are these compared to connoisseur guys? Do they taste "gourmet"?

    • well coles vanilla was rated the best (taste, texture, etc) in a "blind" choice survey ahead of premium brands.. So whoever they got onboard knows their ice-creams.

  • Hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!! PB is the best, the brownie doesn't tickle my fancy but I still ate it.

    Time to stock up!

  • Is PB similar to peanut butter cups or…a little more subtle? :)

    • +2

      more subtle - I have more than a passing familiarity with Ben & Jerry's PB cup ice-cream, and this is less chocolately (but still very, very good)

    • +1

      so much so for "targeted" marketing!

  • I'll be stocking back up on the lemon meringue, which is currently my fav. Might give the pav a go too.

    I tried the PB but wasn't a huge fan. It was good but my expectations might have been a bit high after reading the comments on here.
    I personally prefer buying plain vanilla and then eating it with a spoonful of kraft chunky peanut butter. Is that weird?

  • Ben and jerry are best in my opinion, to bad not to many discounts

    • +1

      We just had free cone day mate! Doesn't get better than that!

  • Since no one else seems to like it, I like the coffee one!

  • Just to confirm… this starts tomorrow, the 16th of April.

  • +1

    I didn't like how many actual peanuts were in the peanut butter one - way too many nuts, nobody likes that many nuts in their mouth at once ;) especially cold ones…

    It did seem like it was an end of the production run though…as in I don't think there was meant to be that many in the mix, just seemed like somehow they had all settled in my particular ice cream maybe? Otherwise it was delicious, just got a bit hard on the old chompers chewing on the frozen nuts. Great deal though, looking forward to sampling the selection.

  • Damn, I just purchased one of the Gooey Choc Brownie flavors at full price.
    Even at $6 these are decent value. but at $4 nothing else can beat them.

  • +3

    This ice cream is good, but if you look at the per unit cost it's higher than most other 'premium' brands including Sara Lee and Connoisseur. I find this odd considering it's Coles brand.

  • I've only tried the PB (mainly because I'd never had PB ice cream before) and the Gooey Choc Brownie. The PB was OK, but the Brownie was very disappointing (not very creamy). I'll stick with Connoisseur or Sara Lee when they're on sale.

  • Yeah I bought quite a few of these as i thought everyone was saying its Da Bomb. I thought it was nice but it was not as creamy or as good ice cream as connoisseur and yet its technically more pricey. I do like the peanut butter addition to ice cream but i expected more from the actual creaminess and texture as well.

    • Yes, it seems that it goes more for unusual flavours than creaminess and texture, which is what I really look for in ice cream.

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