Anyone know where to find large bags of irregular Jelly Bellys?

You know the kind…they used to sell large bags of them at The Reject Shop, but I haven't seen them in more than 18 months. From memory, it was about 400gm for $6.

Does anyone know where to find these now?

I've tried 'Sweet As' for a long time, but no luck there.



  • What's wrong with regular Jelly Beans?

    • +2

      It's wrong when it costs $38/kg (Jelly Belly Australia website)

  • Jelly beans are pricey

  • try lolly discounter warehouse.

    like this place in Brisbane which my office orders from every few months.

    don't know any where in Melb

  • Maybe try these guys. Not sure if they still large bags of jelly bellys but they have large bags of other lollies

  • They have big jars in costco…

    I think the normal Costco price is around $20. They sometimes have coupon discounts with a few $$ off too

    • Does FairDinks have the coupons or Costco? It's not viable for me to have a membership, but Fairdinks is pretty reasonable, considering I would order maybe once a year from them (if that!)

  • Thanks everyone!! I'm sadly not a member of Costco :( I travel too much for membership to be viable.

    KKraig…that jar is perfect!! And just the right price too. Thank you so much!!

    SydGuy…Horse Torque Lollies looks like they repack Jelly Bellys into smaller jars and re-brand them…will try them if I can't get the above ones!!

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