Original image. Obtain a 20% discount if this voucher code is used in conjunction with the free loyalty program, known as Citizenship.
There are no catches and the voucher can be used multiple times until the end of May 2014.
As with all Bookworld items, shipping is free (unless expedited shipping is selected, where available).
If you do not wish to join the Citizenship/ loyalty program, then you can use the voucher to obtain 15% off CDs and 10% off books.
Apply the voucher code in the checkout as it appears, with all capitalised letters.
Still waiting on a CD from the last deal. A week to get it from Melb to Canberra, although the online help says be prepared to wait up to a month or something equally ridiculous. It's a race to see if a second hand book I ordered from Oxford in the UK at the same time arrives before the CD. Live and learn.