How I know which car battery I should buy?

hi guys,
I don't know much about cars. Now my car wont start up. I thought the battery is weak and need to be charged. called a friend to bring his car to jumper my car. the problem was my battery want charge at all which we think its died and need to be replaced. (I haven't replace it for the last three years)
so I need some help. how I know which battery I should buy and fits my car? and from where (I am in sydney)?
prefer the cheapest option. I know how to change the battery but if someone will do it for free wont mind it ;)

my car is camry 2003 4 cylinder


  • +1
    Look down the page to 2003 camry.

    Get someone with a multimeter to test your alternator is ok also. You can check how to test this online… only need a cheap multimeter. Hold probes against the + & - terminal of the battery and note the volt reading (set in DC range) … when you start the car the voltage reading should increase considerably.

    Supercheap auto, kmart, repco, etc sell car batteries. They will have a list that tells them what battery to fit.

    Providing everything is ok with the car a good battery will last up to 10 years in a camry, a lot longer than most other cars. I would not be surprised if the one in your '03 camry is the one fitted at the factory.

    • thanks mate for the reply.

      I looked in the website gave me these three batteries

      so the battery model/type for my car is 55D23L which around $150 (didn't expect that much!)
      I will see if any of my friends has multimeter or will take the car to a car service.

      Supercheap auto, kmart, repco, etc sell car batteries. They will have a list that tells them what battery to fit.

      was looking for the cheapest options will try to call them and see how much they are selling for.

      Providing everything is ok with the car a good battery will last up to 10 years in a camry, a lot longer than most other cars. I would not be surprised if the one in your '03 camry is the one fitted at the factory.

      to be honest bought this car used 3 years ago and havnt change the battery since I bought. good knows if the original owner changed the battery or not.

      but again thanks for your help I appreciate it.

  • Look for a supercharge dealer. I picked up a battery for corolla 4cyl for $80 from the place near me.

    • I called supercharger the guy told me for my car its $165

  • if there is a wrecker near you then look replacement there. with car batteries it is about size/shape.

  • Check pricng with your local Toyota dealer - Toyota pricing is extremely competetive (you are probably looking at around the $150 mark irregardless of where you get it from) and price would include swapping it as well an unlocking your radio or anything else that gest affected with a dead battery/battery change.

  • First thing to do is take the car to a autoelectrician and for 15 get a load test done. This eliminates any possible fault with the alternator. Which if faulty will just drain and kill a new battery. Using the multimeter type test isn't that accurate and just a ballpark indicator.

    If you are in the NRMA or whatever motoring org is in your state. ask for a service call for a flat battery, when guy comes he will do a load test for free, also most of the racqmechanics carry spare batteries at members prices, they will fit them for you and they keep a current to the car while changing to save resetting radio computers etc.

    Blessings Shannon

    • I can confirm the battery dead and not charging. we tried to contact my car with my friend battery it worked without any problem.

  • so far the cheapest battery I could find are…
    for $120
    for $100

    I am not sure how good they are but other stores +$160 and have to bring the car to their place

  • When you buy a battery, check the manufacture date. You don't want to buy a battery that's been sitting on the shelf for 2 years.

  • Cheapest option? Go buy an used battery for $30-45 and hope it last for another year or two. Throw a bottle of Inox battery conditioner for good measure.

  • +1

    mission accomplished! bought the brand new one for ebay for $100. they wanted to replace it for $20 but neh I replaced the battery by myself and everything work without problem. it has a 2 years of warranty.

    anyone knows what I should do with the old battery? how I should get rid of it? they refused to take it for recycle or anything and they told me its my responsibility. I read somewhere that kamrt has a recycle program for car batteries. will try to give it a visit.

    and thanks to you guys for your help. I felt lost in the beginning and didn't know what to do.

    • your local council depot should take it. mine does -no fee.
      apparently old batteries are worth about $5 for scrap. look for a recycling yard.

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