Kikkerland Samurai Umbrella on sale now $34 +$7 shipping
Umbrella canopy has a 41-inch diameter, which glides opens with the push of a button.
Size: L. 100cm
Brand: Kikkerland
Kikkerland Samurai Umbrella on sale now $34 +$7 shipping
Umbrella canopy has a 41-inch diameter, which glides opens with the push of a button.
Size: L. 100cm
Brand: Kikkerland
Would totally rock this umbrella through the CBD wearing the Dolche and Gabana suit from the other deal
How much do you normally sell this for ?
Their normal price seems to be $35…
So this deal is $1 off, you should add that to the Title
Average looking material - check
cast boring handle - check
Lacking a curved design - check
Handle too long for the design - check
Likely to operate like a $10 umbrella - check
Shut up and take my money
HI Altomic, thanks, however it's made in China and has no brand.. Quality isn't guaranteed.
wait, so your umbrella is NOT made in China?!
-Frame number: 8
-Accessories: shoulder with dedicated pouch [bag]
-Nylon, steel, plastic
-Marking (total length) approximately 100 cm (diameter when open) 103 cm
-Made in China
does the phrase "The pot calling the kettle black" mean anything to you?? lol
cheaper, more variety (better quality ?) at globalgear close out - $20 (from $69) + postage
Purple handle - that is all.
-All you cared to skip down and read'
Black Diato handle, Black with red detailing.
I got one.
Looks awesome.
Ichigo would love this!
Works as a samurai too?