Which Pharmacy in the city do you think has the best prices/value for medicines? And perhaps offers paywave.
There seems to be a wide variance in the prices I've seen among different chemist shops.
Which Pharmacy in the city do you think has the best prices/value for medicines? And perhaps offers paywave.
There seems to be a wide variance in the prices I've seen among different chemist shops.
MyChemist on Elizabeth Street. Between Bourke St & Little Collins St. And they offer paywave (I think).
Thanks! Will check it out. The chemist at Vic Market along Elizabeth is quite expensive. I got ferrogradumet at $15 from them but the same thing was only $9 at the Errol St pharmacy.
Just find one that does a price match…then look at http://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/ website and check the price there, you will be able to get a pretty good idea quickly imho.